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Kuzco had snuck back into his room knowing that he didn't want to get caught but once he was in his room all he could do was worry

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Kuzco had snuck back into his room knowing that he didn't want to get caught but once he was in his room all he could do was worry. He didn't know where the worry was coming from but Thor made Kuzco feel different, they couldn't be together. No matter how much Thor told him that on Asgard you could be with, and be whoever you wanted, Thor was still expected to produce an heir and Kuzco couldn't him one. That wasn't the only problem, the other one was that Kuzco knew he wasn't good for Thor, and they wouldn't mesh well together.

Kuzco still thought Thor was a douche, but unlike when Kuzco arrived he didn't think it was terrible anymore, he thought it was endearing but that scared Kuzco and now Thor was declaring war on the Frost Giants which directly disobeyed All-Father's orders. Kuzco saw both sides to the story, Thor was upset that someone had come into his home and threatened his safety but he saw Odin's side as much as he hated to say it, as he hated the old man.

He let out a sigh as he slipped his shoes off, Kuzco walked over toward his bag and picked out his leather journal from the bag. He rubbed the length of the book and closed his eyes as his thoughts drifted toward his mother. He knew what she would say if she was here, he walked over to his bed and scooted down the edge of the footboard, and sat crossed-legged on the gold floor as his mind drifted towards the memory of his Mother.

Kuzco was nervous as he stood in front of his parents' quarters, his Dad was doing whatever the Elders needed him to do but it was good for Kuzco, he didn't think he could handle telling both of his parents what is on his mind. He raised his hand and was about to knock when the door opened to show Chaca's smiling face. "Hello, my darling. Come in." Chaca stepped aside with a smile and Kuzco decked his head avoiding his Mother's eyes as he walked into the room. He watched as Chaca walked over with a smile towards the mirror that was in the corner of the room, she started to place her earrings in her ears as she looked at Kuzco in the mirror but her smile slipped from her face when she saw Kuzco's face in the mirror.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Chaca gently placed her earrings on the dresser, walked towards Kuzco, and placed her hands on his shoulder. Even though he was 15 he was almost as tall as Chaca. Kuzco sniffed and wiped his nose on his hand ignoring Chaca's frown. "Sweetie, come here." Chaca brought him into a hug before leading him towards the bed and guided him to sit next to her after she sat down. "Now, tell Mama what's going on." Chaca gently smiled at Kuzco which only made more tears well up in Kuzco's eyes.

"I like boys." Kuzco blurted out before he widened his eyes in terror and placed his hands over his mouth. "Oh my boy, that's okay you know that." Chaca kissed him on the forehead, any other time Kuzco would push her off and blush but he felt safe being babied by Chaca alone in the comfort of his parent's room. "I mean, I like girls too and I like boys. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I like everyone." Kuzco slowly let a breath out, he expected Chaca to be upset but instead, he saw a smile on her face.

"I'm sorry if I made you feel like you tell me, I love you son. Nothing can change that and I will love whoever you bring to be your spouse." Chaca kissed him on the nose, an action that made Kuzco scrunch his nose up. "No no, you and Dad have always been supportive of other people in Kuzconian but it's different when it's your son. Not to mention because I'm the heir of Kuzconian, I must have a child." Kuzco looks at Chaca with pressed lips, Chaca sighs and grabs Kuzco's hand, and squeezes comfortingly.

"There are other ways to have children, my love. Whoever you decide you want to be with forever, I will love them because they love you."  Chaca said kissing her son on the forehead once more and giving him a gentle hug. Kuzco let out a shuddering breath as the emotions were overcoming him. He didn't say anything but he leaned into his mother's arms and let himself relax in the comfort of his Mother's arms.

A tear slipped down Kuzco's face as he came out of the memory, he slowly let out a breath as he got his bearings back. He wasn't back in his parents' quarters, instead, he was in his quarters on Asgard. Kuzco wasn't ashamed to say that he wanted his Mother to hold and tell him that everything would be okay, but that couldn't happen, not anymore. He let out a sigh as he lifted his hand to wipe the tears away, he turned his head to look out the window that looked out over Asgard. It was night so everyone was in their respective houses sleeping, in the distance Kuzco could see the Rainbow Bridge leading to the Himinbjorg where Heimdall is the gatekeeper of Asgard.

No alarms were raised, at least not that Kuzco knew of so Kuzco knew that somehow they convinced Heimdall to use the Bifrost to travel to Jotunheim, he ran his hands over his face and tossed his journal over towards his bag so it wasn't in Kuzco's line of sight anymore. He felt like crying but he knew that wouldn't do any good.


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I haven't been paying attention much to Chaca lately and her relationship with Kuzco so I thought it was very much overdue to show her sweet parental relationship with Kuzco <3

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