Chapter 1

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3rd person

"Maybe we should dispose of the body?"

" She's not dead, you idiot! At least I don't think so.."

"Look at her ears, she's human too!"

"Go get Luz! I'll wait here with this human"

"By that you mean you're gonna rob her and sell her items from the human realm?"


The tiny demon starts running in search of the human he has gotten attached to over the last few weeks. While the king goes off in search of his human the owl lady stands over the girl's body peering down at it wondering if she wandered through while the portal was opened. Her pondering stopped when luz walked over with the king at her feet.

"You wanted to speak with me, Eda? If you're trying to get me to return your library books I already told you I've been banned and I'm not gonna go through that again.." her sentence is cut short when she sees a human girl with h/l h/c laying their one on the ground. "EDA please tell me that you didn't kill her!"

"WHAT no I would never... kill someone before I finished drinking my apple blood."

"Well, then who is she?" Luz pointed back at the girl and now that luz thought of it... The girl looked about her age. "We have no idea, kid. I was walking back from selling my human junk when I saw a shiny object in the corner of my eye. I went to go see what it was and it was attached to this person" Eda pointed to the shiny object which was a shiny moon-shaped locket around her neck. Eda reached down trying to grab the locket when luz stops her

"Eda that could be important!"

"So? It would look better in my nest!"

A few minutes of arguing later they hear a small gasp.

Y/n's pov

I must have dozed off, again. I sat up with my eyes still closed.

" Sorry Anne, what were you saying? I dozed off again. I know I know I don't need a lecture." Hearing no response I opened my eyes. "Anne? Marcy? Sasha? Guys this isn't funny stop pranking me"

I slowly look up and see a tall lady with pointy ears, white hair, and golden eyes. Next to her a small dog thing with a skull on his head. My eyes widen as I realize my friends are nowhere in sight and these random people were in front of me, she didn't even look human and that was no dog! 

I start scooting away until I see a girl with short brown hair and brown eyes. She looked about my age and appeared to be more humanlike. She held her hand out for me to take " Who are you, people? Or more importantly, What are you ?"

I take her hand cautiously and stand up. " Hi I'm Luz Noceda and this is Eda the owl lady and this little cutie is king!" She started making weird movements as she was explaining. "So who are you? How'd you get here? Do you have any real food or snack cakes? Have you read the good witch Azura books? OOO this is so exciting for another human! I can explain everything to you and I can teach you the history of this place! OOO and I can show you the magical world of magic! Eda, can we keep her PLEASE!"

" Luz calm down, we don't know anything about her or if we can even trust her. She could be working for the emperor!" Eda looks at me with suspicious eyes and starts circling me

"So who are you and how did you get here and why are you here?" as she finishes her sentence she stops circling me and moves to the side putting her hand on her hip still looking at me.

"my name is y/n l/n and I don't know how I got here or where I am, the last thing that I remember was that I was outside in an alleyway with my friends Anne, Marcy, and Sasha celebrating Anne's birthday with a gift that Sasha and Marcy gave Anne. It was a m-music box with a bunch of frogs on it and when we opened it then I blacked out. I think the music box is the reason why I got here but where exactly is it?" Should I really be telling this to these random people  who just talked about killing me... Yes.

I look at them after I told them my story, Eda and king look at each other then look back at me, "Look, Y/n I will explain it all later but for now how would you like to stay at the owl house with me, king, and luz? I trust you and I think it would be a bad idea to leave you here alone."

I sigh, realizing it may be a while until I answer all the questions I have. "Thank you for the offer but I wouldn't want to be a burden.." I jumped as the sound of thunder was heard.

" You better come, you wouldn't want to be caught in the boiling rain, '' Eda said with urgency. "What's the boiling rain?" I look around in slight fear that it could be dangerous

"No time for that, come on!" Eda starts running off with the king in her hair. "Come on Y/n you're gonna love this!" Luz grabs my hand and starts running to what I think is called the owl house. As we were running, well Luz running and me getting dragged, I started wondering if the rest of the girls were ok.


Annes pov

I smile as Sprig leaves the room with most of his stuffed animals. I reached for the moon locket around my neck, opening it and I looked at the picture it was containing. My smile starts to fall as I look at the picture of Y/N, Marcy, Sasha, and me inside a photo booth at our school dance a few weeks before this whole thing happened.

I hope they're doing ok. I sigh, closing the locket, and start reaching into my bag. I pulled out the music box and opened it in hope of being sent home.

With my eyes squeezed shut I open them hoping to see any signs that I'm home but no.

I sigh closing the box,

"Looks like I'm gonna be stuck here for a while."

A/n Hey guys! Sorry, it may be a little rushed or the writing is bad this is the first time that I'm writing a story. This is currently being made before the second season of the owl house is finished so I'm basing this off season 1 of the owl house and seasons 1-2 of amphibia. I'm also planning on having a love interest for y/n and wanted to know what character should it be. The options are Luz, Amity, Gus, Willow, Anne, Marcy, or Sasha. Leave your answers in the comments!

Another a/n from the future author
Hey guys, it's been awhile but I can't really update any new chapters yet so I'm gonna be editing the past ones... Man was I cringe. I will be updating on May 26th so stay tuned! Byee bros, hoes, and frogs! Have a nice day/night and get some sleep.

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