chapter 4

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Y/n Pov 

We made it to the entrance of Hexside and now I was currently hiding behind a tree. "Ok, so Luz and I will go inside and tell Agustus the plan. Then Agustus will come out here and use his illusion magic on you. Everyone clear on the plan?" I nod my head at

Willow then I look over at Luz who wasn't paying attention. Her eyes were wandering with a huge smile on her face.

"Y/n? You there?" I snapped out of my daze and looked over at Willow.

"Sorry, um what were you saying?"

Willow gave me a weird look. "I was saying how we're about to go inside. Luz make sure to stay low and blend in. Into the darkness you go! Oh and y/n, Agustus is over by that tree!"

Luz let out a hiss a slowly emerged into the cauldron, I let out a laugh as they walked into the school. A few moments later a short boy with brown hair walks over and ends up on the other side of the tree just like willow had said.

"Huh Willow said she was here but I don't see anyone." I start to smile thinking of what I could say.

'I'm here. I'm this tree, a friend that Willow created. I would like to just spend one day with her, she told me all about you Agustus" I hold in my chuckles as I hear him gasp.

" When Williow told me about you she said you were a person I-I didn't expect you to be a tree. How long have you been here? Have yours been everything I've done... I'm sorry for putting my gum on the ground there wasn't a trash can near by!"

I start laughing and I walked over to the other side tree and I start to introduce myself.

"I'm Y/n! Your Agustus, right? If not I just made a random person talk to a tree."  he gives a small smile and nods. "Well the talker of trees, I'm ready! magic me up!"

Gus smiles at the nickname and moves his finger in a circular motion leaving behind a blue trail mid-air, blue smoke appears around me blocking my vision.

As the smoke faded I immediately reached for my ears to feel how they were no longer round, but sharp and pointy. I felt myself smile I look down to look at my uniform and felt my smile falter. "Willow gave me this earlier but I noticed that everyone else's is colored. Is that gonna be a problem?"

"Oh yeah we have to figure out a track to put you in, I would have put you in the abomination track but because of the presentations today I figured it would be best to put you on a different track that won't involve you using magic. Probably potions or care for beasts will be good."

"I don't know if this information is useful but I am a hundred percent Hufflepuff." "Whats a hooflepuff?" I sigh.

"There's so much for you to learn. There's also so much for me to teach you, you Lorax"
"what's a Lorax?"
"That's what you are we've been through this." I start laughing at his expression.

"ill explain it to you later. Can't I be put into both tracks?" He shakes his head. " Its never been done and our principle is not a fan of combined tracks. He says that it's too much for one student."

"For now, just put me in the care for beasts track. I love animals and I won't need to do any magic so that will be good!" I give him a smile making him turn slightly pink.

He makes the motion with his finger once again turning my uniform from grey to a brownish-orange color.

I smile and I start to spin around for a moment then  I look at Gus, "Thank you by the way, sorry that Luz and I got you caught up in one of our schemes." I give him a small smile, he does the same. 

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