chapter 22

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Y/ns pov

Luz was trying to bang on the door to get Hootys attention, Gus was trying to eat through the ropes, Willow was sitting there with a disappointed look on her face, and I... was sitting there unbothered. I was cheering Gus on the Hooty talked, interrupting me how rood!

"If you want this to end as you say, four must hold hands it's the only way!" Luz started getting frustrated and I was very impressed with Hootys rhyme. "Oye! No me hables asi!" (I had to look this up, apparently, it means, Hey! Don't talk to me like that!)

"Luz this is probably not the time but, I don't understand what you're saying! I don't speak Tacobell!" She glared at me, telling me to shut up before she gets the chancla... I think I'm bad at reading people's expressions.

"Willow, Y/n will you help me out with Hooty?" "I'm sorry Luz, you shouldn't ask me to help you with anything." "Willow.... wait what's your excuse?" She looks over at me. "I'm currently busy encouraging bad behavior, I can talk to the possessed owl house later. Huh. Never thought I would ever say that sentence. Keep going, Gus!" She looks over to Gus who was still munching on rope. 

We all let a small scream as we get rolled to the other side of the room, "Did the house stop moving?" "Ugh, my insides didn't." The door opens and the cult leader with the eyepatch walks in, he gives an evil cackle and grabs us. I'm shocked that he didn't have a white cat to pet on a spinny chair.

He pushes us out of the house and in front of a bald cult member. "Take the house and rip up the house demon. We can sell it to restaurants as exotic meat." I once asked a guy what the meat was at Mcdonalds and they said the same thing. OH MY GOD, I ATE A DEMON! "No! Hooty would taste terrible!" I nod agreeing, "Hey I'm a refined taste hoot hoot!" 

"I was going to defend you saying you taste awful and roll around in mud, but clearly you don't want to be saved. So can you shut up and let us help you before you get turned into dinner!?" I glared at the passed demon house thing. "What should we do with the worms?" I look over at Luz, "Would you still love me if I were a worm?" "No. Worms are icky." I let out a gasp of shock. 

"Cult demon hunter people, sacrifice them but can you kill me separately? I can't die with worm hater over here!" I gave her a joking glare. "Throw them over the cliff. And throw that one with them, if your going to die might as well make you suffer." "Not cool man." One of the members had a look on his face as though he had been waiting his whole life to do this. He walks over to us a dragged us to the edge of the cliff.

"Alrighty kids, here's the end of your short little lives!" "Wait! Wait! wait wait wait! Is this really what you want to be doing with your life? Tossing kids from cliffs?!" "Actually yes! It's been a dream since I was a boy!" We stand there awkwardly, "I mean... chase your dreams I guess? But can you move it to another day? A day when us kids aren't here? I know you wanna be rapunzel and probably had a fake mom and stuff, but I mean... cant your dream wait a day?" He stares at me. 

"How did you know I had a fake mom?" "Wait really? Cause I was only gue-" He cut me off, "Your right! I'll follow my dream! WEE!" He then pushes us off the cliff and we fall to our death. 

The end. You all jumped into this story and it clearly said death and angst, so here it is. You died. 

Jokes aside continuing story now,

Unfortunately, a branch stops our death, did I say unfortunately? I mean lucky us! "If one more person interrupts me, I'm throwing myself off a cliff and taking them with me!" "If we're not killed now, we will be when Eda finds out about the house!" "Luz I'm so sorry. You wanted to turn back but I just had to show off to Amity. The truth is, she and I used to be friends." "Wwwhaattt?" "I already knew so ill just but out, let you have your moment." "Wait how did you know?" 

"Uhhh, internet?" Truth is that I saw Amity with a picture of her and young Willow, just before she burned it. The tree starts to crack but no one seems to notice because they were invested in Willow's story. "We played together as kids, but when she got her magical powers and I didn't... she stopped hanging out with me." "Guys is now the best time!?" "Gus! Shh! The plots getting interesting!" I look towards Willow. She let out a sigh and continued talking.

"I just wanted to prove to her that I was a powerful witch too." I scoffed, "I like Amity and all but, did she bring a house to life? I may not know a lot about magic and stuff, but my guess is that you have to be pretty powerful to do that!" Willow gives a small smile towards me, "Amity doesn't know what she's talking about! Next to Eda, you're the most powerful witch I know! No offense Gus." "No, not at all! I know what I'm about." "Preach it treehugger!" 

The branch lowers farther and we let out a scream, "This tree cant hold us much longer!" WIllow squirms but manages to get her arm out of the ropes. "There! Now if I can just.. reach that root! Gotcha!" (Bye-bye little butterfly! I'll stop interrupting now.") She reached out and managed to grab hold of the branch. When she grabbed the tree and her hand turned green, it grew and carried us to the top of the cliff. "They were children Tom." 

We towered over them which grabs their attention. She uses one of her vines to cut the rope, we then get in an epic, yet classic superhero pose. "We may be children, but were also witches! Powerful ones!" "Yeah Tom! Way to harsh the mood! Throwing kids off a cliff, and no snacks to be found? For shame!" Willow uses her powers to make the vines attack the cult, after the vines hung them by their feet leaving them dangling above the cliff, we run towards the house not turning back but we could still hear their screams.

We run inside the house and Luz slams the door behind us, "Everyone! Quick!" We grab hands and make the house stand, I make it step on the leader who somehow escaped be dangled to their doom. "Uh I don't mean to step on this victory-" I laugh and they ook over at me, "Sorry! You just made an unintentional pun! Continue" "But we gotta home before Eda does!"

We make the house speed walk towards our now-empty plot of land, but before we made it back we may have accidentally stepped on one of the stands. Oops? I could hear Eda's voice coming from the ground. Yep, we are dead. I was going to mention it to Luz but she was laughing at something Willow said. I wasn't going to ruin her fun, ill let Eda do the dirty work.

"Did we do it?" The door opens and Hooty starts talking, "Is the room spinning, or is it just me? Ha aha just a little house humor" We let go hands and I take a seat on the couch. "Sorry about all that Hooty." "It's ok! I'm just glad I was included!" The door was then slammed shut by Eda and King who were somehow there without us knowing. "Oh boy." "You are so busted!" "Oh man!" "You held a moonlight conjuring!" "We did!" "And you both animated my house! MY HOUSE!" "Yes~" "No don't blame them!" Willow walks in front of us.

"Don't punish them! We were the ones who pushed them to do the conjuring!" Gus then also walks in front, "If your gonna eat me just do it now! Do it now!" Eda watches with an unamused face. "You didn't have to do that..." "Yes, I did." "Well, your all guilty so you're all be punished by cleaning my house top to bottom." She walks past us and uses her magic which makes cleaning supplies land in our hands. "And another thing!" We all gulp and fear what's coming, "That was totally amazing! ANd I'm soo joining you for next year's conjuring! Now get to work." That puts a smile on all of our faces. We walk to different areas and start cleaning.

"You know I still kind of wish we got to show up Amity!" "Yeah too bad no one will know of our daring adventures." A few minutes pass and I finish up my area when Luz laughs, I look over. "Oh! Step on victory, and we took a step! Now I get it! Man am I slow today!"

A/n Hey guys! Today's chapter was very long and I wished I got this done sooner, but don't worry I have a few chapters saved up for next time! I don't really have anything else to say so, Until next time! Hope you enjoy your day/night/ I don't know anymore. BYYYEE

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