Chapter 15

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"Please leave me alone!" I look over to a boy pushing the other to the ground, "Not until  you give me what I want!"

He then grabs the boy's backpack and empties it on the ground. I roll my eyes, I've always hated people making fun of others, probably because I was one of them.

Not the person making fun of people, but the one that was made fun of. 

I was about to go stand up for the boy when a weird figure with a hook grabs them both and sniffs them? "Trouble"
"Wait I didn't have any part in this!"
"I'm sorry!" It drags them down the hallway.

"What was that?" "Ever since the incident Principal Bump upgraded security, they are being taken to detention."
" That doesn't sound that bad."
"Once you go in there's no going out."
"I take that back."

As we're talking a certain green-haired witch walks past us. "Is now a good time?" I roll my eyes and begin walking towards her without listening for an answer.

"Amity! Wait up!" She turns around and looks at me with wide eyes. "Y/n? What are you doing here? You could get in trouble! Not that I care..." I put my hand to my heart and fake gasped.

"I have never been so hurt in my life, Amity Blight you have hurt me. And I thought we were book club buddies. Anyway, I'm here for Gus, he needs Luz and I for his presentation thing."
"Isn't Luz ba-" 

A scream innterupts our conversation when Gus sighs, "Thats our cue. Come on Y/n" As I was about to follow Gus, Amity grabs my arm.

"Just... be careful you dork." I roll my eyes with a smile.
"Whatever you say mittens, and when am I not?" She turns slightly pink and groans.

"Please don't start calling me that." I give her a wave and I turn to leave "Ok... Mittens." I then take off in a fast speed walk to one, catch up with Gus, and two... avoid Amity's rage.

As we were walking Willow dismissed herself from the group, before she left she gave Gus a weird look. Gus looks around awkwardly,

"Ok get ready to wow the members." Gus runs into a person when he fell he dropped tuns of Luz's banned posters. She didn't seem to notice them but I knew that Gus was lying to us, but why? 

"Agustus you should really watch where you're going, you don't want the president of the H.A.S getting hurt on his last day in office." He picks up the crown and throws it to Gus, he starts walking towards Luz and I.

"This must be your human. Hmmm looks like another witchlet to me. And who are you supposed to be? Moral support when Agustus plan fails"
"Psst! Dazzle!" 

I use my hand as a trumpet as Luz pulls down her hood. I go to pull mine down when Luz throws confetti

"Luz I thought we agreed no more confetti in the pockets because of what happen last time"
"I forget..."
"You threw confetti when I told you about the wolf thing, you said I got my own main character plot. When you threw confetti in landed in my food and then I turned different colors." 
"Oh Yeah! I remember... oops?" I chuckle and remove my hood making the boy stand there agape.

"Two humans!?"
"Not just any humans... My best friends and they are human experts!" Luz then wraps an arm around my shoulder pulling me close, "Yeah! We've been doing this for years" I chuckle awkwardly her face turns pink not realizing she hadn't removed her arm yet.

she removes her arm from my shoulder and crosses her arms looking everywhere but at me.

"They're here to authenticate your treasures... See you at the meeting!" We then walk off leaving him standing there. "So that was the guy who's trying to take over your club?" He nods, I smile somewhat shipping him and Gus. 

"As president of the H.A.S I should feel bad about dunking on one of our own members... But as a Gus, I feel like doing this!" He starts to dance when me and Luz notice a trophy case, we walk over to it and look at the weird awards.

"Who got the trophy for most bones?" I then nudge her arm and point over at the one next to it, "Who cares I want to meet the person who won the Um, Actually award!"
"I think the bone one is cooler."
"Well, Luz I have a bone to pick with you!" We both start laughing and were going to continue the bone puns when Gus grabs us by the arm and drags us.

"We don't have time for this! Right now we have to get to the club room!"
"Is that the abomination professor? I should introduce myself... and apologize for the incident, Hey Mr. Abomination! The abominator! Remember me?"

Luz then starts making weird noises when Gus stands in front of her "Oh wouldn't you look at the time suddenly we have time for a full tour!" He then proceeds to pull us across campus.

I was somewhat bored because I've already seen most of the stuff when I was here. 

We make it to the club room and Gus slams open the door making the club members stop chanting,

"Human appreciation society! It is my distinct pleasure to introduce to you... Luz and Y/n the humans!" We both do the Michael Jackson moonwalk in but Luz slipped in the end.

We remove the hoods and they all begin talking at once. "Y/n, Luz will you inspect the items?"
"Of course Mr. President allow us to determine if they're truly of our realm's origin." She then proceeds to touch one of the items one the table when she was rudely interrupted. "Stop!" He knocks all of the stuff off the table and sits on it.

"Don't make another move humans!"
"I didn't even move!" I put my hands up in defense.

"I... have something to say, I'm new here at hexside. Making friends has been hard for me, so... I lied. They're all fakes" They all let out a gasp of shock,
"Oh what a shocker!" 

"I thought if I was important enough people would like me, but I've caused enough drama. So ill go I'm sorry." 

"I knew I shipped you with Gus for a reason." They all give me a weird look except for Luz, "I CAN SEE THAT! But it's ok you're only human, well you know what I mean." Gus then walks over to him,

"Mattholomule your not alone, you have a place here in the H.A.S."
"Thanks guys, I knew you'd understand."

20 minutes later the last member left leaving me, Luz, Gus, and Matt alone. "Thanks for being so forgiving."
"We've all been the new kid before, right Gus?"
"How about you Y/n?"
"Yeah, but that's a story for later."
"Well, I just have one thing to say..."

Please be a confession to Gus! Doesn't have to be a love confession just say you think he's cute! The door then gets slammed open, two of the trouble sniffers stand there with their hooks.

"There they are! Those are the two intruders!" They sniffed the air around us and concluded."Trouble" 
"No, it's fine the ban's been lifted. Tell them Gus!" 

We got hooked and were pulled out the door, Luz kept yelling for Gus to tell them while I yelled the only thing that was on my mind that very moment... "I NO LONGER SHIP YOU WITH GUS!!"

A/n Hello... it's me. Something something something supposed to be, I don't know the words. I'm planning on getting some more amphibia action very soon, lets just say a meet-up may be happening sooner than you think... if I'm not lazy to write it. Until next time! (You're watching Disney channel and we'll be right back!) 

Mabel??? What are names I haven't named like jeez. Zack... We fight at dawn you know what you did.

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