Chapter 30

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Y/ns pov

After what felt like hours of running, we make it to a dark part of the woods. "Are you sure we can't get a different owl palisman? Eda wouldn't notice!" We all look at Gus who was shaking in fear as he looks around constantly as if something was going to pounce him.

"Gus, relax! You're with your people!" I motion over to the trees. "Besides, you're with us! What's the worst that can happen?" Right as I said that a huge white creature jumped out of a bush and onto me. I landed on the ground at full force and the creature started growling and its face went closer to mine, I rolled my eyes once I got a better look at it. It was Daniel in his werewolf form. I look over to see Gus was panicking and Willow was holding Luz back.

Daniel gets extremely close to my face, still growling then... HE HAD THE AUDACITY to drool on my face! "EW! Your gross!" I push his big head away from me then sat up while wiping the slobber off my face. He backs up and sits down in front of me then transforms into his human-like form. "Sorry, Y/n! My brother was teaching me about pranks and when I heard you and your friends... I couldn't resist!" He smiles and rubs his neck sheepishly. I roll my eyes and stand up offering my hand out to him I pull him up then look back at my friends who looked very confused.

"This is Daniel! Daniel this is Luz, Willow, and tre- I mean Gus! My close good friends!" "Hello! I'm Y/ns boyfriend!" "WHAT!?" They all scream and Daniel looks at them confused while I laugh, "Daniel what do you think a boyfriend is?" "A friend... that's a boy?" He questioned while tilting his head."Y/n! He's such a cinnamon roll! Where'd you find him!?" Luz rushes up to him and circles him, no longer upset. "I found him in the woods when I was helping Ed- wait did you sense my need for help?"

He shakes his head, "Actually I smelt ham sandwiches! But what did you need help with?" I hand him a ham sandwich from my bag and he happily accepts it, they were going to be for the game but, when you get hungry! "Well, what happened was that we-" "Oh Daniel!~" An annoying high-pitched voice interrupts me.

A girl with blonde hair, green eyes, red ears, and a red tail, and wearing a somewhat revealing outfit walked out of the bush."Daniel, we have to- who is that !? Why are you holding her hand? Are you cheating on me!? She's not even pretty!" "Amber calm down! She's just a friend!" (I'm so sorry if your name is amber... not really. I'm required to say that.)

"Don't just a friend me! Your still holding hands!"  I look at our hands to realize we were. "Because I gave him a ham sandwich! Do you want one?" "Get your filthy human food away from me!" She knocks it out of my hand, I hate her so much. No one can do that to my sandwiches and get away from it! Is Daniel actually dating her? Why on earth would he! Is he being blackmailed!? 

"Excuses! Why would you date a stupid human!? She looks as though she is gay, why would you date someone who is so unnatural?! Why would you date a Fag like that!?" She points at my face and I was holding tears in so the only way to keep them in was, humor. "Wow. That was an amazing impression of my mom, and if you keep pointing at me you won't have a finger to point with." She cautiously puts her finger down and glares at me. She was about to continue dissing me when Daniel put his and over her mouth. "We. Are. Just. FRIENDS! She is like a sister to me and I don't appreciate it when you hurt the people that are close to me." She rolls her eyes then backs away.

"I should have assumed as if you'd date a human. Now come on, Axel is waiting for us." She walked back into the bush then disappeared from view, as soon as she left I raise my hand and sent a middle finger in her direction. Luz tried to tackle her but Willow and Gus held her back. "YOU LITTLE!- COME BACK AND FIGHT ME! I'LL SHOW YOU WHAT A HUMAN CAN DO!" Willow covers her mouth to stop her from yelling. I was looking at the ground trying to hold back tears, I don't even know why I'm upset! This isn't the first time someone had made fun of me! Why was this one so different?

"Y/n I'm so sor-" "DANIEL NOW!" He sighs and gives me a hug. "I'll talk to  you later." He walks into the bush, as soon as he left I used my arm to wipe my eyes. Luz runs over and so do the others, "Y/n you ok?" She puts her hand on my shoulder, I was facing the opposite direction of her. I shrug her hand off, "Let's just focus on finding Owlbert." 

As we were running deeper into the forest, every 5 seconds Luz would glance over at me. She tried to make some jokes to lighten the mood, but I wasn't feeling it at the moment. Was Daniel actually dating that girl? He didn't even know what a boyfriend was! I don't know how a cinnamon roll could end up with such a Bitch!

After running almost half the way there, we make it to a tree "Ah man, humans can run! Must be their dorsal fins!" "What are dorsal fins?" Gus shrugs. " He flew through those trees! Let's go." I was about to start walking when Willow pulls me back, "We have to be careful! It's really to get lost in this part of the forest." Luz steps forward still holding the bottom part of the staff. "This is Eda's palisman, WIllow she'll kill me if we don't get it back! Let's go."

We rush into the tree and look around for Owlbert. "Owlbert! There you are! Come back to the staff, Eda will kill me if you stay here!" He hoots and turns away from her. "Listen Owlbert, I'm sorry I'm the reason you got hurt! This is my fault... I promise to be more careful! Will you forgive me?" He looks as though he was thinking, his eyes glowed yellow and a huge form landed behind him. "Bat Queen?" I look at Luz in shock, "How much did I miss?! Who is you?" The big bat looks over at me, "I don't remember there being another human on the boiling Isles, no matter. He is not going anywhere!"

"WHAT!?" Luz yelled.

"you can't hold him, hostage, here!"

 "He doesn't want to go with you!"

 "How would you know?!" 

"I understand him, I understand all! I speak for the palsiman!"

"Oh no."

"Oh no, what?"

"I wish you reworded that."

I gasp putting my hand to my heart, "She speaks for the palisman." I wipe a fake tear. "Sorry, I need a minute! Gus, I found your cousin!"

Luz's Pov 

I smile, seeing that Y/n was in a better mood than form before. I knew what it felt like, being bullied. When I saw it happen to Y/n, something just snapped. It hurt seeing Y/n upset like that, WIllow and Gus shouldn't have held me back. Thinking of Y/n made me feel weird inside, I know that I like her but the thought of leaving me when her friends come hurts. I sort of wish that she could stay o the boiling Isles with me... I just don't want to be abandoned. Not again.

3rd Pov

"You will get close to the human girl then infiltrate her home, once you're in give her this." He hands her a purple potion. "It will weaken her enough so that you can take back what is rightfully ours." "But she already doesn't trust me!" He raises his staff transforming the girl into a different girl with different features than before and wearing an Hexside uniform. "Don't disappoint me, Amber."  "I wouldn't dream of it-

Emperor Belos,"

A/n NEW CHARRACTEEEERRRRR! what a bitch am I right? Anyway a little background info for her, I was going to chose the name Vannessa but I decided to change her name because sometimes I write these chapters in a notebook at school, and if she saw her name she would... will go through my things! Then she would see what I wrote and then try to tear me apart!

 Thank you @Bi-ThyWay for the name suggestion! And'll update the special surprise tomorrow and we reach 200 votes and 5k views!!!! Thank you all so much! Amphibia-related chapters soon, or I'm giving you false hope. You'll never know! Anyway hope you enjoyed it! Until next time!

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