Annes birthday pt 2

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Y/ns pov

"Oh sorry."

"Kids these days, didn't you read the sign!?" He points towards a sign with huge letters on it. 'Hands off my merchandise!' He then points to a smaller one next to it. 'I mean it'

"Hi, I'm Y/n, 13 years old and I never learned how to freaking read." We stand there in the awkward silence for a few moments when he breaks out into a smile, "Honesty, I like it. I'm Grunkle Stan, the owner of this fine establishment. You can call me one of the names I don't care. I can't read either."

"Us illiterate people have to stick together."

"I don't know what that means. Tell you what kid, pick out any item from the store when I'm not looking. Depending on its value I may or may not call the cops on you. I'll get my employees to help you, DIPPER! MABEL!" The pink sweater girl hops happily into the room and a pine hat boy walks in while groaning.

"Uncle Stan for the last time we're not you're employees and no we don't want to watch you eat a whole pizza by yourself!"

"Y/n this is Mipper and Dapel."

"Dipper and Mabel." The boy corrected.

"Close enough. Help this girl out while I go do work-related things that are not illegal!" I turn and watch him rush through the back door. He seemed interesting. I turned around to face the employees but yelp and fall back onto the ground when the girl gets in my face.

 "HI! I'm Mabel and this is my twin Dipper! Do you like sweaters and pigs? Oh! What about pigs on sweaters? EVEN CUTER PIGS IN SWEATERS! WE SHOULD HAVE A SLEEPOVER AND BECOME BEST FRIENDS! WE COULD EVEN TALK ABOUT CRUSHES!"

"Mabel! Stop bothering her, sorry about that. She gets overly excited sometimes... more like all the time. I'm Dipper the more cool and mature sibling." he holds out his hand and helps me up.

"It's alright, I'm Y/n the siblingless person! Maybe we could have that sleepover another time, but for now, I'm looking for a last-minute birthday gift for my friend." Mabel lights up and squeals, "SLEEPOVER IN THE FUTURE!!"

"Mabel, can I talk to you?" Dipper grabs her arm and pulls her to the side. While they talk I walk through the aisles searching for something that Anne would like. A bunch of things catches my eyes, maybe Anne would appreciate a demon hybrid statue. Most of the stuff here was weird and creepy... I loved it! I'm not positive that Anne would have the same reaction to it, maybe I should take Marcy here someday.

One really caught my eye, it was standing on a stone pedestal and moss grew on it from old age. The engravings on the stand were scratched off and were very difficult to read, I look up at the creature, a weird triangular stone figure stood there with a cane and a tophat. "Weird." The triangle appeared to have arms and legs, one of its arms was holding out its hand as though waiting for someone to shake it even though the signs surrounding it said otherwise. I don't think Anne would like a life-sized Dorito in her kitchen.

I walked away from the abomination not hearing the sighs of relief coming from the twins behind the aisle.

Mabel runs back over towards me and Dipper follows walking because he is too tired for running (Same bro, same.) "What exactly are you looking for?"

"Anything that relates to tennis, frogs, or thai culture."

"Does your friend like grappling hooks?!" Mabel does this anime transformation sequence while pulling out a grappling hook behind her back, she twirls it around her fingers multiple times before spinning around, she held the grappling hook in front of her face aiming it at a target. 

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