chapter 9

978 38 23

Before I start I'm sorry for the image above, I just had to.

y/ns pov

As I was sitting at the stand, King climbs onto my head and laid there bored out of his mind.

I can't blame him though, I was also bored. I start to fall asleep and my head falls off my hand and faceplant on the table making  King fall off the table, "WEHH!"

I immediately raise my head and stand up. "OH MY GOD, I KILLED KING! I'M SOO SORRY!" I run over to him a kneel. I start fake crying, "EVERYTHING THAT I LOVE DIES, I CAN NEVER LOVE AGAIN" Eda uses her staff and hits us over the head with it.

"Will you two stop it your scaring all the customers away!" I look around and see nobody around for miles. "Uhh Eda what customers?" Eda looks out into the distance as I help King back up.

"Somethings off today... Something horrible must be happening today "
"LUZ! Y/N! Something amazing is happening today!"

Willow and Gus run up to us holding a poster and jumping up and down with excitement. "Let me guess, a tree convention?"

"Close!" I tilt my head in confusion and shock. "Really? Is it a vegetable convention because I'm never doing one of those again."

3 years ago

"Come on it will be fun!"
Marcy says trying to hype up the field trip we were being dragged on.

She then walks over to a cucumber and makes jazz hands, " I mean it's not every day you get to see a cucumber this close!"

Sasha leans over to Anne and me and whispers, "Yeah, and it's not every day you get to say that I died in a plant factory."

We both chuckled. Sasha wanders off, while Marcy writes down facts about the cucumber leaving Anne and me to look at the butterflies.

Sasha comes back with 4 bamboo sticks and hands one to each of us. We then start using them as swords, Marcy got stabbed first.

She grabbed her broken stick and sits down on the side with a defeated look on her face. I then got out because Sasha cheated and pulled out an eggplant and threw it at my head.

Me and Marcy sat there in excitement as Sasha and Anne were about to fight when Sasha took a swing Anne ducked which lead to Sasha hitting a pipe which then set off the sprinklers.

I put my arms above my head in an attempt to cover my head from the water, then all of us run in search of cover. After the whole incident, I took the blame and got grounded for 2 months.

Current time

"It's a coven convention! It's where student witches get to view all the other covens before there placed in one!"

Luz looks like she's ready to explode in joy, "It's like a job fair for witches! EDA can we plllllleeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaasee go?" "Absolutely not."

Luz deflates and slides to the floor.
"I never joined a coven for a reason, sure it's like a fun club for witches but you're also giving up your magical independence to be part of a crooked system."

She hits her fist on the table. She looks up and sees Willow put her poster down while Gus stands there awkwardly. "Hmm"

"Yeah but you know, no judgment." She crosses her arms and looks away. "In any case, I haven't been to one since we were girls."

I stare at Eda with a smile on my face knowing she slipped up. "We?"
"I-I mean"
"Whos we Eda?" Luz points at Eda with excitement, "You have a mysterious past! Now we gotta go!"
"Ok just know you did this to yourself. Hey Luz can I borrow your Azura book?"

She gasps putting her hand to her heart, "You're joining the fandom? FINALLY, I need someone other than Hooty to rant to!" She proudly hands me the book. 

I hand King the book and watched the magic happen. King starts to read while he follows Eda around.

"You shall not chant doeth no more harm Azura calleth out."
"So flowery. So awful."
She walks a few feet away and King follows her. She then summons the portal and walks into it
"Most formidable Hecate could only scream regis did she for the screeching did worsen it." Luz grabs King and throws him through the portal.

A few moments later the portal reappears revealing King on Eda's head still reading. "Stop it Stop it I will literally do anything for this to stop!"

A few minutes later we stand in front of the door with excited looks on our faces, well except for Eda.

Eda pulls us over to the side. She struggles to put her hood over her hair, "Gotta keep a low profile"

Luz tries to push Eda's hair in, "Is this cowl really necessary?" I look around and see Edas wanted posters placed everywhere. "Do you really think all of my wanted posters are for petty theft?"

We look down at all of the junk that fell to the ground. "You were saying" I laugh at Eda, I reach down to help her pick stuff up when I see a chip bag,

"Ooo chips! Don't mind if I do!" As I pick it up she slaps it out of my hands, "I stole it fair and square, get your own!"

"That's partly it." She kneels and stuffs it back in her hood, "But the big whammy is I disobey the law and refuse to join a coven. If I'm seen I could go to jail... again." I look at Eda confused, I was about to ask but Willow interrupted me,

"maybe this informative event will inspire you to join a coven!" She looks up at Eda still holding the poster. Eda twirls her finger making Willows hood get pulled down in her face, she drops her poster in the process of taking the hood off of her face.  "Let's just get this over with"

We walk inside and stop to look around. "Was I even alive before now?" I look up to see people my age riding brooms, I gasp "I wanna be Harry Potter. Give me a broom and some stairs then ill be set. Even if a giant animal... Say a lizard comes and stabs me I'll be cool with an it"

A/n I don't understand, a few days ago I was prepared and had chapters ready and now, I'm out of chapters. I'm thinking about doing season two of the owl house if it's finished before I finish season 1 in the book. Oh and if you have any ideas for future chapters you can either message me or leave the suggestions in the comments. I also have been jumping around fanfictions. Usually, people make Y/n some defenseless shy girl, so I have decided to attempt to make Y/n a badass sometime in future chapters. Until next time!

A/n future

Why did past me not know how to seperate lines? Also I added to the last line I hope you enjoy and I'm not sorry. Recees. Since we're on the topic of recees RODRICO YOU BETTER TAKE BACK FRANCHESCO BEFORE CALEB COMES AND ATTACKS YOU FOR ITTREUPPRING KATIES WEDDING!

have a good day (◔‿◔)

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