Chapter 7

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I push the sleeping bag over my head slightly annoyed,
"what" I mumble squeezing my eyes shut. "I WANT PANCAAAKKKKESSSS!"

I groan pulling the sleeping bag from my head, "We're out of pancake ingredients."  She stops moving for a minute and a look of fear washed over her

"Y/NNNN! I'm going to starve and Diiie! This is the end of MeE!" She then dramatically falls and lands on my stomach.

"If I get up and find you something to eat will you leave me alone to sleep?" She nods aggressively which ends with her headbutting me,

"Y/N IM SO SORRY PLEASE DONT HATE ME! You can hate me after I get my breakfast" I start to laugh at her reaction

"I'm fine thanks for asking" I roll my eyes with a smile, I grab her shoulder using it to stand up I then lend my hand for her to take.

I pull her up and I immediately regret my choice, She starts bolting down the hall dragging me behind with her. She starts running down the stairs, still holding my hand.

She then skips the last few steps which lead me to trip and fall face-first on the ground. I lay there for a few moments regretting the choice I made of waking up this morning.

Luz then looks over at me in a slight panic, "Y/n, you good buddy?" She asks my unmoving body. She starts poking my side "You do realize that dead people can't make you food right?" I turn my head to face her, her eyes widen as she runs off screaming

"EDA I KILLED Y/N!" I start laughing as I put my hands to the floor pushing myself up.

As I get up I immediately walk into the kitchen to see Luz eating food that Eda had prepared. "Oh hey, kid! Glad to see that you're not dead. Thank titan. We don't have the insurance for that"

I smile at Eda and look over at Luz with a look of disbelief on my face. "So you're telling me that you woke me up, headbutted me, dragged me down here, almost killed me for you to be eating Eda's food?"

"Pretty much yep" I sigh taking a seat beside Luz. Eda places food in front of me and I thank her before eating it.

"Hey Luz! Ready for our King and Luz comedy hour? I've been working with props!" He then grabs my piece of toast and puts it around his face, "Oh no will I ever eat again? Looks like I'm toast" 

I roll my eyes and continue eating what's left of my food, Luz chuckles "Hey dough boy quit loafing around" Eda groans and facepalms

"It just goes on for an hour! King, Luz you are officially disowned!" I start chuckling as I get up to wash my dish. " Hey, Y/n are you going to Hexside today?" I give her a confused look 

"Uh no we got caught yesterday remember?"

"No I got caught, you didn't. You have a chance to go learn at magic school so why not take it?"

I smile at her but I knew that I would get caught eventually. "It's alright Id rather have Eda teach me, besides teachers and I don't really get along. I would get caught eventually anyway" I finish putting my dish away and sit back down in my original seat. 

Hooty then rolls into the room stopping at Eda's feet and unfolds to be the same height as her.
"Hey, guess what I'm about to throw up" He starts to hack and cough, I half expected there would be a hairball on the floor.

A pile of letters ends up on the floor in front of him, he breathes loudly to try to catch his breath "THE
MAIL!" It's too early for this crap, I walk back upstairs to get dressed for the day. 

I walk downstairs and notice King and Luz heading for the door chanting carnival.
"Kid there's a carnival in town today do you wanna come?" I was about to say yes when I remember the note Viney gave me,

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