Chapter 11

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Y/ns Pov

"I can't believe that you both cheated, and Eda has a sister and never told us!"

I shook my head in disbelief as we were walking back home from the convention.
"I still don't understand how you befriended Amity! Teach me your ways!"

"Weh! Enough about her let's talk about more important people, like me!" King jumps on my head and lays there. We continue walking for a few moments when the owl house comes into view.

We enter the side door to avoid Hooty, I then force myself upstairs and then throw myself down on the sleeping bag.

I end up using a few light glyphs to light up the room, and I stare at the ceiling. I notice my phone as it lights up, marking that it had reached 100 percent. I notice 25 messages and 14 missed calls from Anne.

I look over at Luz who was sleeping with her mouth open and somewhat drooling. I smile slightly and looked back at my phone, I didn't want to wake up Luz so Ill just text her. I look back at the messages I missed.


Y/n? You there?

I hope your phone died and that you didn't.

Y/n I swear if you don't answer me, I swear I will bring you back from the dead and kill you myself!

I decide not to continue reading because they all have very similar points in them, involving killing me.

My eyes start to close as I let out a yawn, If I text her now she would probably call and start yelling at me. So ill face her rage tomorrow, plus I doubt that she would be up this late. I plug back in my phone and I start to doze off with King laying at my feet. 

"Y/N!!! I WANT PANCAKES!!!!!" I groan and open my eyes to see Luz about to hit me with a pillow, I grab my own and block her.

"That's the only reason you keep me around isn't it?" Luz gets distracted so I use the opportunity to hit her square in the face with the pillow, which knocks her over.

"Well, I'm sure your useful for other things, too bad you haven't done anything yet!" I roll my eyes and I start to walk out of the room, "Just for that no pancakes for you!" I run down the stairs while Luz chases me yelling apologies. 

When I make it to the kitchen I notice Eda holding a bunch of boxes, "Hey kid can you give me a hand? I need to bring these to the stand."

"Sure just let me get changed." I then rush past Luz who had just made it downstairs, and I run back up. I grab my clothes and got changed, I was about to head back when I remembered my phone.

I grabbed it then I went back downstairs to see King and Hooty arguing over who knows what. I was about to walk out the door when Eda hands me a paper bag, I look inside and notice two sandwiches inside.

" We are probably going to be at the stand for a while so I made some sandwiches for you." I smiled, wrapping my arms around her in a hug,

"I still don't understand what this arm parallel thing is, but I'm kind of getting used to it." I release my grip and I then pick up a box off of the counter and we begin walking to the stand.

As we walk through the woods Luz trips on a rock dropping a few items, "You guys go on ill catch up!"

They nod and continue walking as I kneel to grab the items I hear rustling in the bushes. I look up at the bush and the rustling becomes louder as whatever in the bush comes closer. 

I stand up dropping the items on the ground, I look around for a weapon of some sort to use. I pull a branch off of the tree next to me and hold it as though it was a sword.

The creature starts emerging from the bush and its shadow towers over me. My eyes widen in fear, I drop the branch and I tried to run.

I couldn't run or scream so I just stood there in fear. I backed up a few feet so I could get a good distance away from it to see what it is.

A giant white wolf stood before me, with blue eyes. It didn't seem like a normal wolf, it was too big to be one. So the only logical explanation would be that it was a werewolf!

It starts growling and starts to walk slowly towards me. I back away slowly in fear, but I tripped on a tree root and end up falling against the tree. The wolf nears my face, I try to cover my face when the wolf stops growling.

It starts to sniff the air, it backs away from me a looks around. It walks away and sniffs the stuff I dropped on the ground. I stand up using the tree branches to stabilize me. Maybe it didn't want to eat me? I mean it would have already, right? 

I look to the left and I notice my paper bag. I pick it up alerting the wolf, it starts walking over towards me and sniffs the bag. I reach into the bag and I pull out one of the sandwiches, it tilts its head in quite an adorable way.

I move my hand in front of its face with the sandwich, it takes it from my hand and sits down in front of me. I smile as it starts eating, I then sit down and grab the other sandwich. We both sit there enjoying our sandwiches.

After we finish we both just sit there looking at each other. "Sooooo did we establish a friendship after the sharing of food? Because I'm down if you're down! I wonder if you can actually understand me... or if I'm just saying things in a different language. Ok, nod once if your female or nod twice if your male. Or tilt your head if you don't know what I'm saying."

The wolf nods twice. "Ok, so you do understand me, so what are you? A werewolf, wolf? If you're going to eat me blink twice."

He lets out a weird noise which leads to believe it was a laugh. I reach my hand out to pet his head, he backs away cautiously. He looks at me before hesitantly pushing his head to my hand. I ruffle his fur, smiling at the softness. 

"You're a little softie aren't you? Well, a huge softie with claws, and teeth. Lots of teeth. A creature that could kill me in an instant, who would have known that creature would be such a fluff ball!" He gets more comfortable and moves closer.

We stay like that for a few more moments. "I should probably go before Eda wonders where I am. I'll be back later with some food. See you around!" I gave him one last pat on the head, and before I left he tries to mimic me petting him by placing his paw on my face. He removes it the runs off deeper into the forest. 

I laugh and then I grab the remaining items on the ground, I then notice a bracelet on the ground where the wolf was. I pick it up and look at the detail of it, this wasn't here before, was it? I look around to see if anyone was nearby, or if someone accidentally left it behind.

No one was around so I put it on my arm. I begin walking towards the stand, a few moments pass and I continue walking in peaceful silence when a ringing interrupts the silence.

I pull out my phone to notice Anne was calling, "Y/N ARE YOU OK!?" "Yeah, I'm ok the battery died." "Well, that's good... BUT I THOUGHT YOU DIED I SWEAR WHEN I SEE YOU AGAIN I'M GOING TO HUG YOU THEN MURDER YOU!" 

A/n sorry I left you there with a somewhat cliffhanger, I don't really have anything to say so have a good day/night! Until next time!

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