Chapter 23

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Y/ns pov

     I sit on the tree stump where I met the wolf before, just thinking. I decided to give up on trying to go home, I would stay on the Boiling Isles with Eda. It's not like anyone would miss me back at home. I'm sure my friends would understand, the thing I'm most worried about is asking Eda. Maybe I could visit them using the 

I let out a sigh as I think about what everyone's reactions would be, would Eda even want this? I sit up when I hear rustling from the bushes. "Mittens? Ok, so I now know that it's not Amity because she would correct me immediately. Is it the wolf from last time? If so I'm sorry I didn't bring any sandwiches!" I put my hands up in defense.

A short boy with white hair and white wolf ears emerged from the bushes. He also had a whitetail! He looked like a cinnamon roll!

"Are you the werewolf from before?" He nods and sits down on the ground. "So can you answer a few of my questions?" Maybe this would get my mind off the whole living with Eda thing. He nods rapidly, honestly he's soo adorable! "Ok first question... Hmm. Ok, what's your name? We'll start off easy the get into the weird stuff later." 

"my name is Daniel, you never told me yours. If you don't mind me asking what is yours? If you do mind I'm sorry forget I said anything!"  His voice was too quiet and sweet! He is too adorable for this world, and he seems to be socially awkward... Just like me! 

"My name is Y/n! Don't worry about it! Any questions you have ill be happy to answer! My next question is, do you turn into a werewolf every full moon or is it every moon?" "I can control it at will. Whenever I feel the need to ill just... do it I guess." I smile at his awkwardness. "I have a question..." "Go on!"

"When will you bring more of those sandwiches?" I chuckled, "Whenever you want! Ok, my turn..." We continue talking about random topics like favorite colors and if we ever went to jail what crime we would have committed! After a while, I decided to ask about the bracelet that was surgically part of me now.

"So can I ask you, well I don't know really the way to ask but the bracelet... what is it?" I look at his face and my heart nearly stops, he looked so sad and tears were forming in his eyes. "You... you don't like it? I could get you something else!" "No! I mean yes! I mean yes I do like it! I just wanted to know why did you give it to me and what does it do?" 

His sad face disappears and gets replaced by a happy one, this boi has more mood swings than a pregnant woman. "Well, in case you're ever in any danger ill be able to sense where you are! And it also protects you from powerful spells! Also, legend says it grants magical ability to anyone who wears it! The only downside is that it becomes permanently a part of you until you die! On a plus side... it looks cool!" 

"Well, that got dark! But why me? There are all these other witches and wizards, you could of gave it to an adult or someone who would use it responsibly." "Well, I'm not looking for a person who would set out to do good or be a hero. And I'm not looking for someone who would become evil or use it to take advantage of people. The person that should own should be a decent person, someone who lives in the moment and has occasional hero thought and occasional evil ones."

"So your basically saying you want a person who is a little bit of both?" He nods, "Plus if a person puts on the bracelet, and they are not a decent person, it would instantly kill them!" My eyes widen at how he said something that dark in his adorable voice. "So I could have died!?" "Yeah!" "And you risked that chance!?" "Yep! Well, I'm glad it worked out!" He said in a happy voice.  

"I'm a little scared but I'm glad that it- wait I'm only decent!? I don't know whether to take that as a compliment or not." "Well if you're taking it as a compliment, your the most decent person I've know! If you're not taking it as a compliment then you are anything but ordinary to me!" He smiles and I smile at his smile.

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