Chapter 13

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Y/ns Pov

I grab a bag and I start pouring a bunch of sandwiches inside, I let out a sigh when I hear the muffled arguing coming from upstairs.

I grab the bag and I walk out the door, "Hooty if anyone asks, Eda left Luz in charge and I am at the library."

"Ok, I finally get to be useful! Hoot Hoot!" I start down the path, a few moments pass I then see the spot where Luz had dropped her things previously.

I walked off the path and I sit down on a tree stump and I wait. A few moments pass and nothing, I reach into my bag and I pull out a Good Witch Azura book that Luz had let me borrow.

A few moments pass and I start to hear rustling in the bush. I smile and close the book, I grab a sandwich and I hold it.  Then the creature emerges when I realize it wasn't the wolf, it was Amity who was crying?

"Amity?" She looks at me startled realizing someone else was there. "Oh! Y/n... I didn't realize anyone else would be here, I can go if I'm interrupting!" She rambled about to leave when I stand up and I grab her arm.

"NO! I mean.. id enjoy the company! So come sit and tell me what's on your mind."  I sit down on the ground, she joins me after recovering from her tomato face.

"So, what's bothering you? Do I have to pun someone to death? Because if I have to you know I will!" She chuckles slightly using her arm to wipe some of the tears that were forming.

"It's just... my parents. They expect so much from me but I can't live up to their crazy expectations! And because of that, they are making me study extra hard and they're taking away things that I enjoy... they basically control my life!" 

I think for a moment of something I should say, I'm not the best at cheering people up. I can do it over the phone by looking up motivational quotes! But in person, Id end up making it worse.

"Well, if you don't mind Id like to know more about Amity, not Amity Blight but the real Amity." She smiles and tears stop forming,

"Well what would you like to know?"
"Hmmm, how about we play 20 questions?" She nods, I then start thinking of questions.

"Since this is the first question ill go easy on you, favorite color?"
"It's purple, Ive always wanted to dye my hair that color but my mom likes it green."

"Who cares what she likes? It's your hair so it should be your choice! I think you would look really nice in purple... NOT THAT YOU DON'T LOOK GOOD ALREADY!" I feel my cheeks get warm as she laughs. "Thanks, Y/n! Ok, my turn..." 

An hour goes by and it feels like minutes, it consisted of laughs and embarrassing stories and fangirling about Good Witch Azura. "So Y/n why were you even in the forest in the first place?"

"I was... hoping to meet a friend here but they didn't show." Is it weird that I'm somewhat glad that he didn't? If he did I don't think I would have had such a good time with Amity.

She was about to respond when a rustling in the bush was heard. "Y/n get behind me" I would have argued saying that I could defend myself, but I realized I couldn't. All I knew was a light glyph and some volleyball moves. I step behind Amity, hoping that it was the wolf I became somewhat friends with.

Two people who looked like the older version of Amity emerged from the bush, "There you are mittens! Mom is losing it, it's fun to watch but she's about to cancel our scroll plan and I need to upload this thing on penstagram and... Mittens whose this? I didn't know you were sneaking out to see your girlfriend."

"Edric stop giving her that much credit! There is no way she's dating her, she too cute!" My cheeks turn warm and I look down avoiding their gaze.

"Emria! Edric! Stop it! Sorry, Y/n their my annoying siblings." Why are all the Blights attractive!?

"I should go now, ill see you around! And y/n... Thank you for everything." She smiles at me and gives me a wave, she then follows her siblings home.

I look up to realize that the sun was setting, I should head back before Eda gets back. I reach down for the brown bag, I went to grab a sandwich but I remember that I and Amity finished them. I smile and I begin walking home, I guess task failed successfully.

A/n Hello! Sorry, it's a little late but I was distracted because I watched the newest episode of the owl house and I can't even. My new favorite episode, I may have screamed while watching it. I'm trying to not spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it yet. Anyway until next time!

A/n from the futureee??
The future is shit. Good luck past me, these recent episodes are wild and don't even get me started on amphibia. Good luck and speaking of luck Lucy and Charlie if your out there just know... Jessica likes me better so ha.

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