Chapter 42

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"Ah, there you two are!"

The captain walks over to us and smiles.

"I'm glad the uniforms fit well! Now then come with me and we'll discuss your jobs." 

I follow him close behind while glancing at the other crew members. One caught my eye standing on the upper deck staring at the sky in front of them. OHH that was bucket head person!

It was odd... could they even see through the bucket?

All very important questions. 

"We're here!"

He turns to face us as we stop walking. 

"Because you are new recruits, you both have a fairly easy task. Maintaining a clean deck! I know it's not the bes-" 

"Yes sir captain sir!" 

I exclaim rather excitingly while taking the bucket and mop from his hands.

I salute him after placing the water-filled bucket down on the ground. 

"You can count on us!"

The captain chuckles. 

"Out of all the crewmates you are the only one who hasn't complained about mopping the deck. Well, I'll leave you both to it!"

He walks away leaving King and I to an empty deck. The rest of the crew members disappeared into their cabins moments ago due to the lateness.

I smile dipping the mop into the bucket and then placing it on the ground while spinning it. 

King jumps off my head and glances at me then at the deck.

"So...Y/n. Do you wanna talk about earlier?"

I move the mop around before putting it back into the bucket. 


"What about earlier?"


"When you said you were thinking... what were you thinking about?"


"Oh, that."

I pause for a moment holding onto the mop thinking again.

I sigh before leaning the mop against a door and walking over to the front of the ship. I sat down and looked at the view of town underneath us, I looked back at King and patted the place next to me.

He walked over and sat down while playing with his paws quietly.

"Ok, a while ag-"

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I was just wondering if you were ok and if there was anything I could do for you..."

I smile over at King.

"Don't worry. I want to tell you. So a while ago before the whole... another world stuff happened it was just Anne, Sasha, Marcy, and me."

I take off my locket and open the picture of us while handing it to King. He carefully takes it and holds it not wanting to harm it in any way. I then point to the rockstar cheerleader rebel.

"Sasha was the strong one, the leader of the group." 

I then move my finger to point at my favorite nerd.

"Marcy was the smart one, she was EXTREMELY clumsy and oblivious too. She was a bit nerdy but that's what made her so loveable."

I laugh and move on to the amazing Anne. 

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