Chapter 41

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Y/ns pov

"Ok in retrospect this was a horrible idea."

King and I hid behind a pile of boxes while looking down from the ship... oh and did I mention we were 100 feet in the air? No? Oh my bad that just slipped my mind. 

"So... what now?" King asked looking around at the many crew members walking around the ship with most seemingly doing essential tasks while the rest pretending to know what they were doing.


King and I flinch before looking up at the ominous figure standing above us.

"Uhh, it's not what it looks like?"

The figure stands there staring at us suspiciously for a few moments until realization dawned on him. He glared at us and we prepared to bolt if it came to that.

"Where are your uniforms?"

King looks at him confused but I nervously jump in.

"Uhhh we.."

I look around trying to find a way out of this situation until I spot a poster with bold letters.


I didn't see the rest but I turned back to the guy who appeared to be the captain with a big hat and a... bird bat thing on his shoulder. 

"We are the new recruits! Just got here a few moments ago and uh we forgot our uniforms at home...?"

I smile while King nods panicked.

He stares for a moment before backing up with a smile on his face. 

"Now why didn't you say so? This way, ill take you to get uniforms and explain to you what your task is." 

He holds out a hand to us and helps me up, King sits on my shoulder looking around.

"This detailing on the ship looks... familiar."

The captain starts to make his way across the ship as I followed directly behind. 

"Each member has a key role, no matter how big or small the task is we need everyone to do their part. This crew is like a big family if one falls we all fall. We have to have each other's back."

I slightly smile, this was oddly wholesome.

"So do your part and everything will be fine. Now then! Head on down to the lower deck to find your uniforms then come back up to get assigned to tasks."

He motions to a cabin door before walking away, most likely monitoring the other fam-crew members. Wow, this guy knows how to get inside your head. 

"He seems nice."

"Eh, I don't buy it. I've read enough of Azura books to know that any wholesome character with a family trope-"

King motions over to the captain who was talking to a figure with a... yellow bucket on there head? 

"Is either insane, mentally ill, has a traumatic backstory or is a genuine guy who you get immediately attached to just to have him ripped away and murdered which becomes your reason for vengeance then you go on a mass murder spree."

"That's very dark King, no more Azura books for you without supervision seriously what are even in these books? Anyway, let's get our uniforms and get started!"

I open the door and descend down the stairs after closing the door behind me. King still sitting on my shoulders until we reached the last step. He hops off and looks up at me.

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