Chapter 17

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Y/n's Pov

It was currently one in the morning, and I sitting on my sleeping bag reading about the pamphlet for hexside.

This was probably the tenth time I've read this... tonight.  I throw the paper to the side as I fall back onto my sleeping bag.

I already tried to force myself back to sleep but the thoughts circling around me won't allow me to.

I try to relax myself, I close my eyes and I finally start to get tired. I was about to fall asleep when the door was slammed open.

I sat up and looked over at Eda who was looking at me, "Y/n? What are you doing up this early? Never mind that I need your help."

"Ok, just give me a second to get dressed." I stand up about to grab my clothes when she grabs my arm and runs downstairs. 

"No time this is an emergency!" She continues to run and we end up in the living room. She sits on the couch waiting for me to join her.

I facepalm looking at what was on the table in front of her, "So you dragged me down here at-" I check my phone "1:30 in the morning just so I could play cards with you?" She sheepishly smiled and nodded. 

I shrug, "I have nothing better to do, so I'm in." I walk over to the couch and we begin our first round.

"Go fish."
"That's not how you play." 

A few moments later she places a card. "Uno."
"I don't know what that means and that's not ho-"

She was interrupted when my name appears in flames over the cards I placed down.  "What does that mean?"

I look over at Eda whose mouth was agape. "It means you won... teach me your ways!" 

The next few hours consist of me beating Eda and me teaching her the Uno way. After a while she was starting to get it, I was getting a little tired of beating her.

Each time I would she would insist on a rematch, I JUST WANTED FOOD! So I decided to let her win, so I could make some breakfast. "HA! IN YOUR FACE!"

She then threw her cards in the air and she jumped up on the couch, "WHO DARES TAKE ON THE FEARLESS CHAMPION!?" 

I look over to my left to see her adorable palisman flying over. He landed on my shoulder and let out a hoot.

"AH! A worthy competitor! I'll get the cards set up!" She rushes to the floor to pick up the cards while I walk into the kitchen. I end up making some eggs and pancakes, when Owlbert flys over and lands on the counter,

"Make sure to let her win from time to time, shell get grumpy if she doesn't." He hoots and stares at my pancakes.

"Do you want some?" He hoots and starts waddling in a circle. I chuckle and I start making him a tiny pancake.

After I finish I hear Eda say that she was ready. He jumps on my hand and I give him his mini pancake,

"I guess this one is to go." He hoots then flys off to play cards with Eda, I grab a plate of pancakes and I carry it towards Eda.

"Hungry?" She smiles and I hand her the plate. I then take a seat on the couch and I then watch the game unfold.

"What are you guys doing?" I look over at Luz and I motion for her to sit down next to me,

"Good morning Luz!" She smiles at me, "Good night!" She leans her head on my shoulder, I smile down at her and my face felt warm.

"I made you some pancakes there in the kitchen." She nuzzles into my shoulder, "I don't want to get up" She whined wrapping her arms around my waist. I swear if she does one more adorable thing I will explode. 

"Then ill go them for you." She reluctantly let go and I stood up to go get her pancakes. I walk into the kitchen and I try to calm down, I notice my reflection on one of the plates and that I'm still red as a tomato.

I finally turn back to normal and I bring Luz her plate of pancakes and eggs. 

"Here you go Luz!" I hand her the plate and I sit down next to her. "gracias mi y/n por los panqueques y huevos!" "I don't know what that means but your welcome."

{What is means "thankyou my y/n for the pancakes and eggs"}

"So what are you guys doing?"  She notices Eda and Owlbert staring at each other.  "Watch closely Luz, Hex's hold'em is the most tricky game on the boiling isles! Any proper witch knows how to play!"

"Oh, boy cards! The paper rectangles that old people think are fun!" Eda places down a card and sparks start flying, Owlbert jumps off the table as the cards come to life.  Owlbert smiles as his cards started chasing Eda's. 

"Now when it looks like the deck is stacked against you, that's when you break out the wild card!" She places the card down and Owlbert's card gets caught on fire.

The words Winner Eda... finally, appears in the flames. Owlbert jumps onto the table and gives a little bow, he hoots then flys onto my shoulder. "WOAH! I WIN!! In your adorable owl face! I love the feeling of victory! It feels... fluffy?"

"Uhh Eda? It's happening again..." Luz points at Eda's arms wich was filling with feathers. "Whats happening again?"
"Your curse is returning!"
"Ahh!" We run upstairs and she grabs a box that was in her nest. She opens to and 4 empty bottles sat inside,

"Oh boy this is terrible! Im out of elixir!" She then throws the empty bottles across the room, it then shatters into hundreads of pieces.

"Uh, last time this happened you turned into this thing." Luz then holds up her phone with an image of Owl Eda.

"I know I should be repulsed but that look is very feirce." She flips her hair and stares at the picture.

"Your're right, Your're right. We need to head to the market."
"Im going to steal everything that's not nailed down with my trusty knight Y/n!"  King jumps on my head and I follow Luz out the door.

"Before we go would anyone like to play one more hand Hex's Hold'em? Hey where are my cards?" I hand Owlbert the cards I stole,

"Take these and fly ahead, she'll have to follow us." He takes off flying and Eda runs after him, "Owlbert you sore loser! Give me back my cards!"

A/n Hello! this chapter took a while to write and some Amphibia content will be coming soon! I cant believe that this has hit 1.0k views! Id like to thank you all for the support that I've been getting for this! because of this occasion I made this, next ill be making an amphibia one. Until next time!   

 Until next time!   

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