Part 4 Starting a new family

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Izuku was killed by the three after getting nearly raped by Katsumi. He was later revived by his quirk at night and getting his total swarm form and changing his name from Izuku Yagi to Midoriya and his death was not noticed until Izumi birthday party one month later with Aizawa, Nemuri, Nezumi, the Todoroki family, the Bakogou family, Tsukauchi and Gran Torino being there.

Back to the party

Nobody POV

Nezumi: "Where is my nephew Toshi? WHERE IS IZUKU!!!"

Toshinori: "I do not know"

Toshinori thoughts: "When was the last time I actually saw my son"


Inko: "What is with all the shouting? And oh my god that smell I told Izuku to clean his room"

Nezumi: "Inko we are talking about how Izuku is missing and from the looks of the dried blood and smell of the room for some time"

Inko: "Oh good riddance that useless male is finally gone he always dirtied up the house and just useded up our money asking for food when we already fed him"

Aizawa: "I can't believe this your son is missing possibly dead and this is what you are thinking"

Inko: "He was fucking quirkless and is a male he would not have brought any fame in to the family. At best get married off to a rich family"(Just to clarify so that influence and money will be brought into the family)

Aizawa then slaps Inko in the face.

Detective Tsukauchi: "Come to think about it why were you three lying about Izuku earlier?"

Izumi/Katsumi/Shoka thought: "Shit they are catching onto us"

Katsumi: "We are not fucking lying. He told us not to let anybody disturb him"

Detective Tsukauchi: "You know my quirk is lie detector. So I will ask you again why are you trying to cover his room up and where is Izuku"

The three did not say anything with the tension in the air building up with all the adults eyes staring at them before finally Shoka cracked under the stares.

Shoka *sobbing*: "We killed Izuku leaving a hole in him after Katsumi tried to rape him. We buried him in the forest to get rid of his body"

All the adults(Except Inko and Detective Tsukauchi) gasped

Katsumi/Izumi: "Shoka!!"

Detective Tsukauchi: "Is this true" while hair was covering her hairs

katsumi: "No he is probably hanging out with his friends"

Detective Tsukauchi then slaps Katsumi hard on the face causing katsumi to tear up.

Detective Tsukauchi: "Your lying Katsumi. I will ask again is this true"

Izumi: "Its true"

Mitsuri: "How could you kill him. And you Katsumi how could you try to rape him you grew up with him he was practically your brother!!"

Enji: "And you Toshi how could you not have noticed that Izuku was gone, he is your son"

Nezumi: "Listen well you three, all your recommendations to UA will be cancelled and will only allowed into a hero school if we see improvement and you all will undergo therapy, as well as 500 hours of community service for the quirkless community. And Inko and Toshi you will have your pay cut to 5% and have to see a therapist with 1000 hours of community service. I believe that Katsumi, Izumi and Shoka will be scolded when they get back?"

Izuku the Demon Swarm of WrathWhere stories live. Discover now