Part 24 Betrayal

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Izuku swarm empowered form: "You Say Run"

All Might buff form: "I Am Here"

I don't own either My hero Academia or anything used from Ghibili they are owned by their respective authors. and you gotta love Nightcore mix

Please vote for which book I should start planning for in my book called story ideas


So Izuku gave training that even sadist Demons would find to sadistict.

End of Recap

Izuku: "I am hurt Jina don't even recognized the guy who saved you"

Twice: "Dead Sea is that you! You are clearly Dead Sea"

Izuku: "Haha it's good to see you again Jina but what are you doin...     You are one of the villain attacking aren't you"

Twice: "I am sorry DS I owe them a favor! I love doing this"

Izuku: "I understand but you are attacking my family right now and so I will have to stop you"

Twice: "Can I take back what I said I don't want to fight you! Bring the fight on"

Izuku: "As long as you come with me quietly"

Twice: "Thanks DS! Fuck you DS"

Izuku: "Haha just a warning do not swear in front of the kids or my wife will kill you before I get the chance"

Twice beginning sweating with the thought that his wife is faster than the infamous Dead Sea that no one could outrun. Izuku began walking back with Twice until they reached the lodge where a huge mood was put there with Mina crying and Momo comforting her along Melissa

Izuku: "What happened?"

Melissa: "Izuku Yoichi got captured"

Izuku *Softly: "How?"

Melissa: "Well"

Le flashback by the sin of wrath

Yoichi was relaxing with his sisters and kota reading a comic book from the pre-quirk age when he heard the scream of his mother Mina.

Yoichi: "You four stay here I will go check it out"

Himiko: "Nope I am coming with you"

Milim/Eri :"Yeah"

Yoichi: "No you guys protect the lodge and Eri you heal anyone who needs it. Plus I am the fastest and they probably underestimate me"

Himiko: "Fine but you better get back here"

Yoichi ran in to see Mummy's Mina fighting with a creature that looked like the one that attacked Hosu.

Yoichi: "Machine Gun blow"

Yoichi punched the monster many times until he hit the brain causing it to collapse.

Mina: "Chi what are you doing here"

Yoichi: "I heard you scream and thought you would need help espically after Dad's training"

Mina: "That is... true your father really does not go easy"

Yoichi: "Come on let's go and get back to the lodge"

Yoichi and Mina began walking back when Mrs compress came along and with Magne.

Mrs Compress: "I believe that's the target"

Magne: "I believe your right"

Mrs Compress: "You don't often see a male not less a male child with white hair"

Izuku the Demon Swarm of WrathWhere stories live. Discover now