Part 14 The meeting of lovers

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Izuku swarm empowered form: "You Say Run"

All Might buff form: "I Am Here"

I don't own either My hero Academia or anything used from Ghibili they are owned by their respective authors.


Well sorry if it was a bit rushed but Izuku has moved into UA and assert dominance on all the fools as well as changing the president from Lida to Momo

End of recap

Izuku: "Now Miss Yaoyorozu you might be wondering why I asked to speak with you"

Momo: "Because I have Izuku bracelet?"

Izuku: "Well yes and no but first get on the cat bus I need to go pick up somebodies"

Momo: "Cat bus?"

At that moment the cat bus came rushing in and stopped a bit too forward and slowly reversed(Like the youtube video above I recommend watching it to see how the cat bus actually look like).

Izuku: "Ladies first"

The cat bus then began gaining speed running towards the school his kids were at.

Izuku: "Now I believe you know someone named Izuku Yagi"

Momo: "Yes you said he was safe. Can you bring me to see him"

Izuku: "I am sorry but he died on that day"

Momo started sobbing hysterically.

Izuku: "I see you are still wearing the bracelet I gave you before I was revived"

Momo: "Wait so you are my Izuku. The one that protected me all those year from ago from those bullies. The one that was my first real friend"

Izuku just nodded. Momo on hearing that immediately jumped on him and gave him a hug.

Momo: "IZUKU!!! Why did you not come to see me after you disappeared"

Izuku: "Well that's a long story. That day I actually died but my quirk brought me back, my wrath on how I died fueled me. But I was too afraid that they would track me through you"

Momo: "You could have at least came and tell me you are alive. I had to learn that you died from a detective and supposedly brought back to life with the lack of a body"

Izuku: "I am sorry Momo I wished I could meet you but I was not strong enough. Plus I had to take care of a couple people"

Momo: "A couple people? Wait Izuku who are we picking up?"

Izuku: "Well you see during my vigilante days I adopted one, two or *soft* three *soft* daughters who were being abused"

Momo: "Wait you have two kids"

Izuku: "Three kids. Two 10 year old and a 9 year old and they all went though something like me"

Momo: "Does that make me a mummy"

Izuku: "Well that's if you still want to marry me?"

Le Flashback(6 year old)

Momo: "Lets get married when we are older"

Izuku: "Yeah after I become the next male hero like All Might"

Momo: "Yeah we will be a hero duo like green tornado and All Might"

End of flashback

Momo: "Izuku the moment you saved me from the bullies I knew that you were the one for me, so yes I would love to marry you. But that irritating Monoma is trying to pressure mom"

Izuku the Demon Swarm of WrathWhere stories live. Discover now