Part 6 daily life with my vampire, unicorn and snake

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Izuku has just saved Eri and Milim from overhaul in the last chapter. And end up crashing at the end. Can't belive I have over 1k reads, thank you guys. Not sure how this happened but thank you

Now back to the story

Izuku.exe has successfully rebooted

Izuku: "Why did you call me that?"

Himiko: "You took me in and gave me blood when no one would"

Eri *Sadly*: "You saved us and took care of us like what Papa would do. So are you not our papa"

Izuku: "If that is what you want to call me than sure but know I am only 14. Anyway why not we go inside and have something to eat"

Eri: "Can we get some apple"

Milim: "How bout eggs?"

Himiko: "Katsudon"

Izuku: "Sure but before that how bout a nice hot soak"

Himiko/Eri/Milim: "Yeah"

Izuku then brings them to a secret hot spring in the house he found while upgrading the house the previous week. While washing Eri and Milim he saw the large amount of scars that was present on their skin and still fresh wounds and got so angry that the swarm begin forming around him.

Milim: "Dad?"

Izuku upon hearing that snapped out of it.

Izuku: "Sorry I was just so angry when I saw the scars it reminded them about mine. But now that both are clean let me heal you"

Izuku then let the swarm fully formed on his arm and slowly brought it over all their wounds.

Eri: "What was that red thing?"

Himiko: "That is daddy quirk he can heal people with it. What are your quirk my one is transform I can transform to anybody who blood I ate like this"

Himiko then took a bit or Eri blood from the bandage and transform into her.

Milim: "So cool but my parents called my quirk unisghtly because it is a mutant type"

Eri: "Quirk you mean my curse?"

Izuku: "Who told you that?"

Eri: "The bad person she said that after I made mama go bye bye"

Izuku: "Snowball, you do not have a curse you just did not have control. You know my quirk can also do something similar of making people go bye bye like yours but its not a curse"

Eri upon hearing that beamed a huge smile at him.

Milim: "No fair why Eri get a nickname and I don't"

Izuku: "Fine how bout princess"

Milim: "Yay"

Izuku: "Okay come on lets go and eat dinner then I will show you your room. Himi can they use some of your clothes"

Himiko: "Sure"

We now see the newly joint family eating happily together before finally they went to bed. But before Izuku could fall asleep something unexpected happened.

Eri/Milim: "Papa can I sleep with you"

Izuku: "Had nightmares?"

Milim: "We are scared that when we wake up you will not be there and that the bad man has killed you"

Izuku: "Sure come on"

When another unexpected visitor came.

Himiko: "No fair I want to sleep with you too"

Izuku the Demon Swarm of WrathWhere stories live. Discover now