Part 8 A unlikely alliance

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Izuku swarm empowered form: "You Say Run"

All Might buff form: "I Am Here"


Izuku has sent the girls to school and to ensure their safety gave them a homing necklace as well as a pet to Eri who will not be part of the same year as the rest and is now 7. And with them at school he can be a vigilante more often and watch over his company midoriya corp.

End of Recap

We now see Izuku have just stopped a raping and was about to leave but is stopped by a certain Eraser.

Eraser Head: "Dead Sea stop. I just want to talk"

Izuku hearing that stopped and slowly turned around staring at him indicating for him to go on.

Eraser Head: "We need your help in taking out the Shie Hassikak. I noticed that you seem to have a grudge against them maybe they hurt someone related to you?"

Immediately after Eraser Head finished Izuku let out a thick amount of blood lust and spikes began to form around him smashing against the wall before noticing that Eraser Head may be hurt and stopped.

Izuku: "Yes... hurt.... little... ones.."(Imagine like slowly saying with fury)

Eraser Head *thought*: "So Dead Sea does have some family and Overhaul decided to harm them and got tortured in revenge"

Eraser Head: "I will bring you to the conference now. We will attack them soon follow me"

Eraser Head then led Izuku with him to the conference.

Eraser Head: "I got help"

Mdm Nighteye: "Who?"

Eraser Head: "It" pointing at the orb that began floating on the desk

Soon the swarm began spilling out of the orb and Izukus full body formed scaring basically all the heroes.

Mdm Nighteye *Whisper*: "How did you manages to get Dead Sea to join?"

Eraser Head *Whisper*: "Apparently Overhaul hurt one of its kid and its out for blood"

Eraser Head: "Dead Sea will be joining us to make sure that the rest of the Shie Hassikak will go down"

Random Hero *Scared*: "Whyy is Dead Sea joining us"

Eraser Head: "According to Dead Sea"

When Izuku interrupted

Izuku: "She... hurt.... little... ones.."

Eraser Head: "You heard what it said. Now about the raid it will happen in 3 days and we will meet up one last time before the raid to go through the plan"

Time skip to end of information sponsored by a bored Izuku petting the kitten Bus

Izuku was just about to go and leave to go pick up his daughters from school before he heard one of his daughter call for him. He immediately warped to the school only to see it in total devastation with two heroes fighting of muscular.

Muscular: "Come on if you ain't going to put up a decent fight let me get started on the kid"

???: "I can't stop now I have to hold her off long enough until the Kids escape"

Muscular the punched her so hard that they formed a outline in the ground.

Muscular: "Come on heroes you can do better than that"

But soon a new challenger came and shot water into Muscular's eye damaging it.

???: "Don't hurt mummy"

Izuku the Demon Swarm of WrathWhere stories live. Discover now