Part 19 Adopting his first son

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Izuku swarm empowered form: "You Say Run"

All Might buff form: "I Am Here"

I don't own either My hero Academia or anything used from Ghibili they are owned by their respective authors.

Please vote for which book I should start planning


So the internship started and Hosu attack happened as well as Izuku healing the Tensei so no revenge Tenya and met Yoichi the first son.

End of recap

???: "Yoichi"

Izuku: "First son. No last name?"

Yoichi: "I can't remember"

Izuku went forward and began healing any injury Neijire, his girls and the hero got as well as Yoichi.

Izuku: "Why did you try to save them?"

Yoichi: "I don't know my body just moved them like what a hero will do"

Izuku: "Do you have anywhere to go or parents to go back to"

Yoichi: "I remember my mom was abusive and I had a sister who took care of me until she became mean but I cannot remember anything else"

Soon the cops came and help arrest Stain and was brought to the police station with Izuku following and Neijire taking the cat bus with the girls to the dorms to rest.

Detective Tsukauchi: "I double checked the records. Izuku he is a blind spot in the system no recorded parents or address he will mostly go into foster care but you know what that usually does to a male"

Izuku: "Prepare the papers"

Detective Tsukauchi: "Huh?"

Izuku: "I am adopting him"

Detective Tsukauchi: "Are you sure you already have three and am pretty sure you will have more in the future"

Izuku: "He is a male, I know what he most likely went through"

Detective Tsukauchi: "I can't stop you can I"

Izuku: "Already calling Nezumi to make another room"

Izuku after having the call went in to talk to Yoichi.

Izuku: "Yoichi can you tell us where your sister lives so we can bring you to her"

Yoichi: "No pl-please no more-e"

Izuku hearing this had his heart softened and his raged topped up.

Izuku: "Don't worry I will not bring you back to her. I wanted to ask you whether you want to join my family and take up the Midoriya name"

Yoichi: "You want to be my father. Why?"

Izuku: "I know what you went through my girls also went through something similar. So know that if you join we will be there to protect you like how a proper family should"

Yoichi: "Yes I would like to join your family father"

Izuku hearing this brought him out with the cat bus waiting outside for them and began the trip to UA.

Izuku: "Yoichi what do you want to do in the future?"

Yoichi: "I want to be a hero and help the weak and quirkless"

Izuku *chuckled*: "You remind me of me before I got my powers. Its decided I will train you to reach my level"

Yoichi: "Will that be enough. I do not have a quirk"

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