Part 21 I-island

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Izuku swarm empowered form: "You Say Run"

All Might buff form: "I Am Here"

I don't own either My hero Academia or anything used from Ghibili they are owned by their respective authors.

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So the exam finished with Izuku giving the win with a simple please.

End of Recap

Izuku: "Girls pack your stuff we are going on a trip"

Mina: "Where are we going Izu?"

Izuku: "We are going to I island for a holiday"

Mina: "Isn't it stupidly expensive?"

Momo: "You forget he is to CEO of the biggest medical company in the world"

Neijire: "And he has relations with Davida Shield"

Mina: "In that case"

Mina and the girls quickly went to pack some clothes and necessities while Izuku helped the kids packed theirs and had a tough time convincing Eri to leave Mr Sky and Totoro behind but eventually gave in when the rest of his kids gave him the puppy dog eyes.

Mina: "Izu hurry up or we are going to miss our flight"

Izuku: "It will wait after all I just bought a private jet"

Mina stood that shocked he bought one on a whim just for the trip.

Momo: "Zuzu you did not need to buy one. We could use mine"

Neijire *thought*: "Rich think different"

The group got on the flight.

Neijire: "Izu how do you know Davida shield anyway?"

Izuku: "I worked with her on my nanite project to help restore people fully without any drawbacks as it was similar to my quirk and wanted to address something concerning"

Eri: "Papa look the Island is floating"

Izuku: "Ah thats I-island"

Milim: "Dad can we get something to eat after we land?"

Izuku: "After we meet Melissa and Davida Shield. They are our guides Princess"

Yoichi: "I still don't understand why you do not let me wear the weighted clothes"

Izuku: "If you do from so young you will not be able to grow strong like me"

The plan landed and when they reached the entrance they were faced with a army of men wanting his autograph from the new symbol of peace. This scared his kids, seeing this he send huge amunts of killing intent at them scaring them of.

???: "Izuku over here"

Izuku: "Melissa its good to see you again"

Himiko: "Daddy who is this?"

Izuku: "Ah family meet Melissa Shield daughter of Davida Shield"

Melissa: "Nice to meet you. Come let me bring you to mom"

Izuku and the group followed melissa to see Davida and they enetred to see him with All Might and his daughter

Melissa: "Mom mr Midoriya is here"

All Might: "Why are you here Izuku"

Izuku: "Better question is why you are here"

Mina sensing the tension decided to leave.

Izuku the Demon Swarm of WrathWhere stories live. Discover now