Part 22 training camp

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Izuku swarm empowered form: "You Say Run"

All Might buff form: "I Am Here"

I don't own either My hero Academia or anything used from Ghibili they are owned by their respective authors. Also I came back to see something about 4chan hacking peoples account and posting inappropriate stuff. Know that if it happens outside of my normal schedule it is not me and please do not take it to heart I will monitor my account for such things

Please vote for which book I should start planning for


So Izuku went to I-island and met Davida kicked All Might out, killed wolfram, accepted Melissa into the Harem who has a portion of one for all and had his bank drained.

End of Recap

Eraser Head: "I hope you guys had a good break and also good job Izuku"

Izuku: "Thanks auntie sho"

Eraser Head: "Also we will be having a new transfer student"

Lida: "Isn't it too late for a new student to come in"

Eraser Head: "Yes but it is my class and I do what I want. Plus she has strength that may rival All Might"

This left the class gaping at the new peace of information but angered Izumi that she has her quirk.

Eraser Head: "You can come in now"

Melissa walked in to meet her new classmates.

Melissa: "Hello my name is Melissa and my quirk is a strength enhancer that is stronger than All Might and I love my new hubby and hate his old family"

Melissa than walked to Izuku who gave her a kiss before she went to sit down behind Mina, and Izuku went up to the board.

Izuku: "Okay as you know we will be having the summer camp tomorrow so I hope you prepared for I will train you to the bones worst then my previous boot camp. But now no one will hear your screams"

The class beginning shivering from his training which left many of them inches away from deaf before he healed them up.

Melissa: "Is he usually this sadistic"

Momo: "Yup, the only way to counter is to have one of the girls be there"

Mina: "Luckily we are bringing them along for a actual rest"

Melissa: "Or we can try this. Izuku calm down if not I am bringing the girls out for shopping again with your black card and go crazy"

Izuku: "Okay okay just slow down"

Izuku *thought*: "I fear no man but that thing it scares me"

Eraser Head: "Okay problem Childs get packing as we will be leaving tomorrow morning. Class is now dismissed and Izuku lend me the cat bus"

Izuku: "Picking up kids first"

Eraser Head: "I will come along"

Izuku: "Ok..."

Time skip to the next day morning boarding the bus brought to you by Izuku girls dressing up like Genshin Impact small characters klee sayu and qiqi

Izuku: "Okay everyone get on the cat bus. But some ground rules no pinching the cat bus or screaming she has feelings too"

Cat bus: "Meow"

Everyone got on the cat bus with Eraser Head being the last one.

Eraser Head: "Finally some good fucking food.. I mean sleep"

Izuku the Demon Swarm of WrathWhere stories live. Discover now