Part 23 Let hell begin

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Izuku swarm empowered form: "You Say Run"

All Might buff form: "I Am Here"

I don't own either My hero Academia or anything used from Ghibili they are owned by their respective authors.

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Well the gang went to the forest which proved rather easy thanks to Izuku training with Izuku Wife meeting Kota.

End of Recap 

It is early in the morning at 5am of the next day and we see Momo, Mina and Melissa sleeping together with Izuku kids in a pile with all of them wearing head phones. But Izuku is no where to be seen


The rest of the class resting jumped out of their rest with those who were in his last rushed to the grounds out of fear of extra training.

Mandalay: "Was it really a good idea to let him teach them"

Aizawa: "He is a expert in hell training"

The group all lined up ready for training except for Izumi and Katsumi who went to get breakfast.

Izuku: "Good you maggots lined up now we will be going to get breakfast. And I suggest you eat well as today will you leave in pain"

The group went in to see Izumi and Katsumi just seeing there. The group seeing this looked at Izuku who just passed them some hand cuffs and dragged his finger across his throat while pointing at them.

Those who were part of Izuku previous boot camp immediately dashed in at while staring with so much malicious intent that one of their eyes glowed red and left a trail.

Katsumi: "What the hell fucking extras we are trying to eat"

Izumi: "What the hell are you doing you fucking wannabe heroines"

Izuku: "You disobeyed my orders and now you will be punished with no breakfast TIGER FRONT AND CENTER"

Izuku spoke with so much force that the pussy cats got scared and tiger rushed to stand in front and salute him.

Izuku: "I will send you in a random spot in the forest you are to join them, hunt them down like a hunter and beat the hell out of them before waiting five minutes for them to run and repeat. They will not be allowed back until 6 pm and I will send you food which you are not allowed to share with them. Understood"

Tiger *Sacred*: "Sir but what about them"

Izuku: "They will only be allowed to eat what they find. They will suffer and hopefully you can bet their cancerous ego out of them. Plus they wanted to harm my kittens"

The Pussy cat group along with them once seeing Izuku kids grew attached to them and could not believe their back story. And when Izuku said they wanted to harm them they quickly turned towards them with eyes glowing as well. Causing Izumi and Katsumi to begin shaking in fear and Izuku warped them away.

Izuku: "Now that it is handled lets eat"

Izuku along with the group began eating with his family coming down to join them after. And after they were done they lined up outside even Izuku daughters which caused all of them to aww at the sight.

Izuku the Demon Swarm of WrathWhere stories live. Discover now