Part 12 New teaching assistant/student?

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Izuku swarm empowered form: "You Say Run"

All Might buff form: "I Am Here"

I don't own either My hero Academia or anything used from Ghibili they are owned by their respective authors.


So Izuku got taken down after saving ass during the USJ after a mad fight which had some decent fight scenes and a forgotten form and that the R rated hero got over complimented.

End of Recap

Himiko *Tear in eyes*: "What's going to happens to us now?" Standing in front of her sister.

This led to all the Heroes except All Might feeling a bit guilty that they would even consider breaking up such a happy family.

All Might: "You will come with us to UA and then we will decide whether you will be put into foster care"

At that moment All Might tried to grab Eri only to have Mr Sky bite him on the hand and the cat bus rushing and surrounding them.

All Might: "You animal Detroit SMA"

All Might was going to punch the girls with the heroes moving too slow to intercept. When Izuku stood up, punched him into the ground and put a anti quirk collar while he was still unconscious.

Midnight: "Isn't he knocked out?"

Nezumi: "Apparently he would still be able to hurt you even if he is unconscious"

Shock and one thought went through all the heroes 'Even unconscious he still has the strength to protect them'.

Nezumi: "Come on lets take the cat bus back to UA.(Looks at Izuku daughter) You can stay with Izuku while we treat him at UA if you come along"

Himiko: "Okay"

Time Skip to when Izuku wakes up from resting sponsored by All Might having PTSD when looking at Mr Sky

Izuku was slowly waking up.

Izuku *thought*: "Wow everything, I hurts did not think I could even crash like this"

Izuku then opened his eyes to see unfamiliar ceiling.

Izuku *Thought*: "Shit if I am here where are the girls"

Izuku began getting only to be held down by some weights on his stomach. Izuku looked down to see Eri, Himkio and Milim as well as Totoro and Mr Sky with Milim wrapping her tail around them.

At that moment Recovery Girl(RG) came in

RG: "I see you are awake Mr Midoriya my name is Recovery Girl the youthful heroine"

Izuku had to stifle his laughter causing the girls to wake up.

Izuku: "Haha its okay I remember grandma Chiyo, its good to see you again"

RG: "And its good to see you alive and well Izuku"

At that moment Nezumi and gang came in seeing how Izuku was interacting with his girls.

Izuku: "Alright since all the gang is here. You brought me here for a reason so what is it?"

Nezumi: "You are as smart as I remember. Maybe someday you could give me a challenge in chess"

Izuku: "I hope you are as good as the smartest person on the planet"

Nezumi: "Who?"

Izuku: "You looking at him. Thanks to my abilities I kept on improving and now my Iq is at 399 which should be about 80 above yours. I also have a degree in bioscience, quirklogy, business, a doctors degree and nanite base science and medical. How else do you think Midoriya corp keeps on introducing medicines which would take years to discover"

Izuku the Demon Swarm of WrathWhere stories live. Discover now