Part 17 Revenge

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Izuku swarm empowered form: "You Say Run"

All Might buff form: "I Am Here"

I don't own either My hero Academia or anything used from Ghibili they are owned by their respective authors.

Please vote for which book I should start planning for and sorry for the delay.


So the sports festival has begun with Izuku trashing more or less everybody and Monoma getting expelled for making Eri cry.

End of recap

Midnight: "Can all contestant come back to the stage. The third event of the sports festival will begin in 5 minutes"

Izuku: "Come on lets go Nezumi can you take care of them"

Nezumi: "Sure thing Izuku"

Eri: "Miss fluffy bear"

Eri then went to hug Nezumi which she returned.

Nezumi *thought*: "How could someone torture such a innocents child"

Nezumi: "Vlad tell the stuff I am called Miss Fluffy Bear in front of Eri"

Izuku and Vlad sweat dropped at that.

E/H/M: "Bye Papa/Daddy/dad"

Izuku then went down to the fight which went like this

Izuku vs Libara

Momo vs Tokayami

Mina vs Mei

Katsumi vs Kendo

Lida vs Jiro

Izumi vs Hitoshi

Shoka vs Sato

Ojiro vs Krishima

I will only write the one that are important to the story (It is difficult to write a fight for a badass unstoppable endless swarm)

Midnight: "Can Izuku and Libara come to the stage for the first match"

Izuku then go on the stage with Libara on the other side.

Midnight: "Ready set go"

Libara begin letting her vines spread out towards Izuku.

Libara: "Give up Dead Sea. I can see that fury has encompassed your very life and you are full of sin you cannot beat me with god by myself so surrender your hate to god"

Izuku just stood there slowly getting covered by the vines Libara being confident asked Midnight to declare her the winner.

Izuku: "My fury is not just my own but all quirkless and my sins are mere medals on my chest"

Izuku then let 4 tentacles made out of the swarm form and corrode out his entrapment and slowly walked towards Libara shocking and scaring Libara.

Izuku: "I have killed to protect which I will gladly do again. Each of the souls from the sin you proclaim deserve no mercy"

Izuku was more than halfway there when Libara caused the platforms around him to sandwich him. Which he merely cut through in second.

Libara: "Surrender yourself to god and you sin wills be forgiven"

Izuku: "Why would I surrender myself when you so called god put me through hell and let me die which I rejected turning me to a DEMON SWARM OF WRATH"

Izuku punched Libara to the edge of the stage.

Izuku: "I stand here with my wrath as my power as I have something those that hurt me do not and will never truly have...

Izuku the Demon Swarm of WrathWhere stories live. Discover now