Part 9 Slaughter fest

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Izuku swarm empowered form: "You Say Run"

All Might buff form: "I Am Here"


Izuku has just agreed to participate in a raid to take out the Yakuza. And just stopped Muscular whom was attacking the school his kids were in saving them as well as picking up the water hose who agreed to keep his secret and have play dates for her daughter Kota whom Eri plays with

End of Recap

The day of the raid came and Izuku is dropping of his daughters at the school before the raid began.

Izuku: "Okay girls now remember you are going to Kota house in the afternoon. Because I will have to work late today. I will pick you up after but may be late and you will have to stay there for the night but I will pick you up tomorrow. Okay?"

H/M/E: "Yes daddy/dad/papa"

Izuku was about to leave before the girls rushed at him to hug him one more time

Milim: "Before you leave hugs"

Himiko: "Okay bye daddy"

Izuku daughters then entered the school leaving Izuku with one thought.

Izuku *Thought*: "I have to make sure none are left. No ones hurts any of my family"

Izuku before the raid continued his usual crusade against crime which at this point has reduced it to a mere 5% of original crime rates and is seen by the public as a great hero that has surpass All Might before stopping to see Eraser Head watching him from above. We now see Eraser Head walking in front of Izuku leading him to the conference room at UA. Which along the way certain heroes tried to attack him

Mirio upon seeing Dead Sea walking behind Eraser Head believing that she was being kept hostage attacked him.

Mirio *Thoughts*: "I wonder what Dead Sea is on the inside. Maybe a actual person? Maybe I will be able to see if I permeate through it?"

Mirio: "Hello Dead Sea my name is Mirio Togta also know as Lemillion nice to meet you"

Mirio then rushed towards Izuku hoping to permeate through Izuku swarm form only to smash against him and be lifted up by the leg.

Eraser Head *Thought*: "Can it nullify quirks as well. Shit and if it was not OP enough"

Mirio *Thought*: "Why did my quirk not work against it?"

Izuku: "Foolish"

They then continued their walk(More like a crawl for Izuku). To reach the conference room only to see Nezumi staring at them.

Izuku *Thought*: "Ah shit I forgot about Nezumi. Hopefully she does not suspect me"

Nezumi: "Ah Aizawa we were just about to start. And oh Dead Sea is here as well. Well lets begin"

Neijire: "Hey Dead Sea how have you been do you remember me?"

Izuku *Thought*: "Oh the girl that have enough manners to say thank you after I healed her"

Izuku: "Yes" and used a tentacle to pat her head causing Neijire to blush

Nexumi then press a button at her side before a projector showed the various places most likely housing the remaining.

Nezumi: "We will be taking down the rest of the Yakuza hopefully for good. Which is now weakened without leadership after Dead Sea killed Overhaul rather sadist might I add. And after the 8 precepts went into to hiding but are still searching for a child for unknown reasons. We have narrowed it down to this two locations"

Izuku the Demon Swarm of WrathWhere stories live. Discover now