Part 11 the end of a Vigilante

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Izuku swarm empowered form: "You Say Run"

All Might buff form: "I Am Here"

I don't own either My hero Academia or anything used from Ghibili they are owned by their respective authors.

Holy shit I did not think this story will bloom like this 5.8k already and 125 likes. Thank you and if you have any suggestions please comment it.


The backstory of what happened to his previous tormentor comes out and the life of how UA started and the blue Handy woman attacked USJ but was intercepted by Izuku going tsunami swarm on them and leaving but not before a terminator reference

End of recap

It is now the afternoon after the USJ incident. Izuku knew after the USJ the heroes would be hot on his tail so he decided to lay low and spent time renovating his home and take care of his company.

We now see Nezumi talking with Eraser Head, Midnight, Presentress Mic, Hound Dog, Endeavor, All Might and Green Tornado

Nezumi: "We now know for sure that Dead Sea has a connection with Izuku and have a connection to the the three daughters of the head of Midoriya Corp Izuku Midoriya when Dead Sea took them along with the Water Hose and her son when muscular attacked that school"

Midnight: "Isn't Izuku Yagi Izuku Midoriya?"

Nezumi: "I have considered it but from what I know no, they look too different but the medicine that Midoriya corp sells has a lot of similar properties to the one Izuku has in his room and some interesting information from Detective  Tsukauchi"

Detective Tsukauchi: "From what I have learnt which investigating them Mizu Izumi daughter Kota Izumi goes to Izuku Midoriya place which is the forest owned by Izuku Midoriya to play with his daughter which are Eri, Milim and Himiko Midoriya"

Eraser Head: "Did you say Eri isn't that the daughter of Dead Sea. That the Villain talked about during the Raid"

Nezumi: "It is I believe we found where Dead Sea resides as well as where Izuku Yagi is hiding. We will go there peacefully tomorrow at 2pm while the students are out of school"

All the heroes agreed

Time skip to the next day brought to you by the Nezumi playing with Izuku daughter while thinking of how to in act world domination

We now see the gang which consist of All Might, Endeavor, Eraser Head, Midnight, Nezumi, Green Tornado and Hound Dog waling through the forest in search of Izuku Midoriya house.

Hound Dog: "Nezumi the scents are too faded and mixed and the tracks are all over the place"

Nezumi: "Lets search a bit longer"

They continued searching through the day but not noticing someone watching them from a distance. But eventually they got close to Izuku house causing him to act.

Izuku: "What are you doing here? This is private property"

All the heroes quickly turned around to see Izuku standing there.

All Might: "Are you Izuku Midoriya"

Izuku: "Yes and but you still have not answered me"

Nezumi: "We were wondering whether you will be able to come to UA for a chat and maybe some tea Dead Sea"

Izuku: "Huh what gave it away my hair or my gender? But nonetheless I will not go. Now leave"

Green Tornado: "That was not a request"

Izuku the Demon Swarm of WrathWhere stories live. Discover now