Baby free night (Pete Davidson)

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4 months ago I gave birth to Pete and I's first born. He's the sweetest little boy ever but he's very clingy especially to me he's definitely a big mamas boy. Lately I've been absolutely exhausted as Oscar has been non stop crying unless he was with me. As soon as I put him down he's screaming in less than a second, Pete brought up the idea of having a night away from the baby. At first I was hesitant to not be with him but I finally agreed when Pete said that he wants to spend some quality time with me. He called his mam immediately to ask if she was able to take Oscar for tomorrow night and she happily agreed, I really don't think she knows what she's getting herself into that small, tiny innocent looking baby has a massive set of lungs.
I woke up that morning to Pete cooking me breakfast waffles with Oscar strapped to his chest in a baby carrier. "Pete? What are you doing?" I asked laughing at the adorable sight in front of me.
"You'd just fallen asleep and he started to fuss, I think he'd enjoying this" he smiled down at our 4 month baby boy. "Here you need to eat" he placed the plate down for me on the table as I took my seat. I dug in and enjoyed the moments of not having a screaming baby in my ear.
"When is he going to your mams?" I asked with a mouth full of breakfast.
"Well I'll start packing now while you finish and we'll drive him there, make a day out of it" he smiled over at me before leaving to pack up oscars stuff.

Once I finished my breakfast I went upstairs to help Pete then got ready, I just stuck on some sweats and a crop top and some trainers, I put my hair in a messy bun and carried the stuff to the car. I strapped Oscar in his car seat and closed the door and not even after 1 set away he started screaming. I looked over to Pete and rolled my eyes, "I just changed him and he's just been fed" Pete said with a sigh.
"I'll get in the back try to calm him down before we get there". I sat in the seat next to oscars car seat and stroked his head lightly, he instantly calmed down.

The drive didn't take that long as Amy didn't live that far away, when we pulled up I got out only to have Oscar screaming again within seconds. Pete took out the car seat as I started through the bags in the book. "Oh who's that screaming at my door" I heard Amy's cheerful voice as she answered the door.
"He's still clinging to y/n" Pete sighed trying to calm his son down. "I just feel so helpless" his sad eyes looked so tired.
"Y/n! Oh you look lovely" Amy gave me a small hug before taking oscar off of Pete and walking through to the living room. "He's so loud ain't he for such a tiny boy" she smiled unbuckling him out of the seat.
"If it's too much Amy I don't mind taking him home" I smiled feeling slightly guilty that she'll have to deal with this.
"Pete was the exact same, always needing attention but he'll grow out of it" she smiled rocking Oscar in her arms and to my surprise he calmed down almost immediately. I stared at Pete in shock and he looked back at with with the exact same expression.
"Well mom I think we'll get going, seems like you have all this under control. Clothes are in this bag and the nappies and bottles are in this one" he placed the 2 bags down before grabbing my hand and pulling me out the house. "Oh, alone at last" he gave me a quick kiss before jogging to the car. "Get in bitch we're going shopping" he said in a sassy voice smirking at me. I hopped into car.
"Where we going?" I questioned fastening my seat belt.
"Well I think you deserve the world, we'll go shopping because I know how much you're drying for a new pair of shoes" he smiled over at me before turning his attention back to the road. "They how about we order a Chinese and watch some movies. Make the most of the night" he winked at me placing his hand on my thigh.
"Sounds perfect"

It took about 2 hours of shopping till I finally decided that I was done, I ended up shopping for shoes then clothes then Oscar. Pete was complaining for the last hour and a half. "Finally, let's get home" he grabbed my hand dragging me to the car driving us back home.

We were in the middle of Kevin hearts new movie till we heard a knock on the door, "I'll get it" I paused the telly and headed for the door.
"Chinese" the delivery man handed me the boxes, I smiled and payed for the food. I sat back down handing Pete his food and cuddled back into his side before digging into my noodles.

After another movie we decided to put on a new series that he was dying to watch. "Are we getting old?" I asked scrolling through Instagram seeing posts of my friends all out at a club and seeing that Colson was having a night out too. We were sat on the couch with empty Chinese boxes around us with face masks on.
"No, were just parents" he cuddled me into the side of him giving me kisses on the head. I gave him a kiss and it quickly got heated. He pulled me over to him so that I was straddling his lap and I felt his growing bulge underneath me.
"How about we take this upstairs?" He questioned throwing me over his shoulder.
"Come on old man, go faster" I giggled smacking his bum as he jogged upstairs with me.

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