Big sis (2)

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Last night Casie didn't leave her room at all, we set her tea outside of her door and when we went back it was just the empty plate. She didn't want to talk to us at all so we decided we'd let her sleep it off.

"Why won't she talk to us, I thought she always wanted a sibling" I huffed sitting back onto the edge of our shared bed after I had finished getting dressed.

"I'm not sure, she's a teenager now she's probably just moody" Colson took my small hands into his large ones and rubbed them soothingly. I agreed and nodded my head slowly as the tears started to build again. He walked out of the door and seconds later I heard knocking and Colson "Casie open this door right now!" He shouted.

'What the fuck is he screaming for?' I rubbed my eyes and followed after him. "Colson don't scream at her" my tone was assertive but I felt like absolute shit for snapping at him, he always gets mad when he sees me upset.

We were bickering back and forth for a while until we heard the door unlock. We immediately stopped and looked towards the door that slowly opened revealing a sobbing Casie.

"Case, what's wrong?" I asked as I followed her back in her room where she laid back under the covers still sobbing. I looked at Colson with worry in my eyes as we both took a seat on each side of her gently rubbing her curly hair. "You can tell us anything Case" my voice was almost a whisper.

"You're worrying us" Colson pulled the blanket from over her head so that we can now see her face.

"I'm sorry" she mumbled through her sobs. "Everything is changing"

"Case you always spoke about wanting a little sibling, what's changed?" Colson asked rubbing her back as she sat up throwing her head into her hands.

"I did" he sighed wiping away her tears "but I just realised this baby will be yours and y/n's. Y/n's first child." As she spoke my heart broke for her, I never knew she'd ever felt like this. I have always treat Casie as though she was mine. I had know her for years and we had grown extremely close during the past years.

"Casie, you're my daughter" I pulled her close to me as for a hug as her arms wrapped around me tightly. "Not by blood but you're my daughter Casie and nothing will change that, I'm sorry you felt this way" I apologised as I soothed her crying.

"Look at my 2 girls" Colson smiled over at us pulling his phone out taking a quick photo of us two.

"How about i take us shopping? Like a girly day out, it can be your dads treat" I giggled as I looked over at Colson who rolled his eyes playfully.

"Like a mother, daughter bonding day?" She asked with a smile and I nodded in response. "I love you mom" my heart almost skipped a beat, I had always seen myself as a mother to Casie but since I had been with Colson she had never called me that.

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