Co parenting (Pete Davidson)

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"My baby!" I cooed once I had opened the door to see my ex boyfriend standing holding our 1 year and 2 month daughter in his arms. "How was she?" I asked as I reached out taking her and holding her close to me chest giving her head small kisses.

"She's been extra good for daddy this weekend. She even seen uncle Colson, didn't you?" Pete replied whilst stroking her hair softly.

Pete and I had dated for a good 4 years before I fell pregnant with Bella and we decided to split just before she turned 6 months. And for the past 8 months we'd been co parenting.
Once me and Pete split I did regret it but I seen that I needed time away from the relationship.

"That sounds wonderful, do you wanna come in a bit?" I asked stepping aside so that he could enter my apartment. He made his way to the sofa and sat down putting Bella'a bags beside him on the floor.

"She's been fed just before we drove over here" he broke the silence as he watched me place Bella beside her box of toys but she got up on her feet and made her way over to her dad, she has always been a massive daddy's girl since she was born.

"Daddy, park!" She exclaimed clapping her hands and stomping her feet on the floor excitedly and Pete looked over to me smiling.

"Guess we're going to the park" I laughed getting up from my seat on the sofa. "Let me go get dressed" I went into my bedroom closing the door behind me whilst I changed my clothes and packed a bag with snacks and some other stuff for Bella. "Let's go" I skipped to the front door waiting for Pete to catch up.

-at the park-
"Careful Bella" Pete called out to our daughter who took legs as soon as I had lifted her out of the car. She ran the fastest her little legs could go towards the park.

"She has your funny run" I giggled looking up at Pete who smiled back down at me.

"Are you saying I run like a child?" He questioned raising his eyebrows as we kept a close eye on our daughter.

"What if I am?" I teased.

"You better start running" he warned standing still and I took that chance to run towards Bella laughing as I do with Pete close behind me. Once I had caught up with Bella I lifted her up into my arms as I kept running towards the park and away from Pete.

"Ahhh got you's" Pete laughed as he grabbed onto my waste making me slow down till I had stopped slightly out of breath from running and laughing, I had turned to face Pete still giggling just like he was as he pulled me closer to him with our eyes meeting. I could feel my heart race as I could see him leaning closer to me as if he were about to kiss me until we were interrupted by an impatient little girl wanting to play on the swing.

"Mama, swings!" She wiggled in my arms.

"Bella. What do we say?" I asked waiting for her to be polite.

"Pwease" she begged. I placed her into the swing as I began to push her lightly.

"Are you going to a aknowledge what just happened?" Pete asked as he sat down on the swing next to Bella.

"What?" I played dumb not looking towards his direction.

"You know what" he stood up "will you just look at me?" His voice began to sound as though he was frustrated so I looked over to him.

"Pete we can't" I sighed but he shook his head as he walked closer to me until he was stood next to me as I continued to push Bella on the swing.

"Who said?" He smirked as he took my face into his large hands and smashed his lips onto mine. I could swear that my stomach did a backflip as I kissed him back.

"Icky" I heard Bella shout. Pete and I pulled away smiling towards our little girl who had her small hands placed over her eyes.

"We go slow though" I told Pete before turning back to continue to push Bella on the swing giggling with her.

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