I'm a twin (Pete Davidson)

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Pete and I have been dating for just over 6 months, I've spoken about my family including my sister Freya but must have forgotten to mention she was my identical twin. Pete doesn't have any social media and rarely reads any online articles so he hasn't seen any photos of us that I post. Freya surprised me yesterday night by coming to visit me, she lives back home in London. She was meant to come move to new York but ended up getting an amazing job offer that she couldn't refuse.

I was currently getting ready go meet Pete today so when I heard a knock at the door I wasn't expecting it to be him as we agreed to just meet downstairs in the parking lot.

Petes POV
I was desperate for a wee when I had got to y/n's apartment so I decided that I'd just go straight up. When she answered I was kind of surprised that she was still not ready. "Hey baby" I smiled down at her pulling her in for a kiss but she turned her head away so I kissed her cheek instead. 'Have I done something?' When I looked back at her she was giggling making me even more confused. "Are you ok?" I asked closing the door behind me. She was about to reply when we were interrupted.

"Pete?" I turned around to see y/n? I looked back at the y/n that opened the door then back at the other one.

"What the fuck?" I said looking between the two. She didn't tell me she had a twin.

"I'm Freya" she put her hand out to greet me and I shook it back feeling a little embarrassed about earlier.

"Sorry about earlier I really thought you were y/n" I chuckled nervously and y/n took my hand grabbing my attention.

"Why are you here weren't we meeting downstairs?" She asked putting on her last boot then straightening out her dress, she is absolutely stunning.

"I needed the toilet, still do actually" I laughed walking off to her bathroom.

"He's cute" Freya giggled sitting back down on the couch to continue eating her Doritos. "Very tall" she added unpausing her programme.

"He's adorable isn't he" I sat beside her taking a crisp from her bag earning a glare from her.

"Adorable isn't the word I would use" she winked. I felt myself getting slightly jealous, he obviously finds me attractive so he must feel the same about her. I decided to brush it off knowing my own sister wouldn't do that and she is just joking about with me. I giggled in response and sat with her till Pete was finished then we left ready for our date.

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