First walk out (Pete Davidson)

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It's been about a week since I had given birth to Pete and I's first baby. He's a very sweet and adorable baby boy, his name is Oscar Scott Davidson. We were currently living in Staten Island and had moved back out here when I found out I was pregnant to be closer to his mam.

I came down stairs to be met with my fiancé laid on the couch with Oscar fast asleep on his chest looking so peaceful. "Morning" I smiled walking over to the couch "I was thinking that we could maybe go for a walk today, I'm getting bored"
"Sure, he's just been fed so if you want to go get dressed we'll go now" he said carefully picking Oscar up so that he could sit up. I ran upstairs and threw on one of Pete's old jumpers and a pair of sweats along with some old vans. Pete finishes changing oscar as I set up the pram getting his bag, blanket and dummy. "Y/n? Can you strap him in I'll go get shoes" Pete said handing our baby to me with his long arms. I gently place him down and buckle him in placing his blanket loosely over his tiny body as it's chilly outside.

We decided to walk to the local park near our home. "This is his first proper walk" I smiled looking at Pete who was walking beside me pushing the pram.
"I know, he seems to be enjoying it" he chuckled looking down at our tiny son who was looking so peaceful still sleeping.
"Can't believe he's missing out on his first walk" I laughed but my smile soon dropped when I seen 3 geeky looking men with cameras pointed directly at us.
"Y/n what's wrong?" Pete asked confused looking back to where I had stopped walking.
"Maybe we should go the other way, there's cameras" I said rolling my eyes.
"They've already got our photo they'll be leaving soon" he said continuing to push the pram slowly down past the park. I huffed but continued to walk catching up to Pete and Oscar. And he was right not even 5 minutes had passed and the three men had gone away once they had snapped the photos. Even though this time they hadn't gotten to close and actually kept their distance I was still angry that they couldn't respect our privacy I just wanted to keep my son safe.

After a short walk around the park Pete and I had decided to go see his mam as she didn't live too far away from where we were.
As we got to the door Oscar has started to stir awake being a little fussy. Amy had answered the door within seconds. "Ahh here's Oscar Scott, my favourite baby boy" she cooed looking over the pram to her grandson.
"Are we pretending I'm not here?" Pete joked rolling his eyes.
"And obviously my other favourite baby boy" she laughed stepping aside to let us in. We were sat in the living room just talking baby stuff and sharing stories, Amy was holding Oscar slowly rocking him back and forth. "And when he was 3 he had gotten his head stuck in a bucket" Amy laughed finishing her story about Pete.
"No way, how did you even manage that?" I laughed looking over at Pete who was sat on the opposite end of the couch rolling his eyes jokingly.
"And his dad had to basically rip it off, he was left with a red line across his face for a week" she kept laughing and Pete shifted in his seat after hearing Amy talking about his dad.
"I wish he could have met Oscar" Pete spoke up looking down at his hands whilst fidgeting with his fingers. I moved closer to him grabbing one of his hands to comfort him, it wasn't often that I see Pete getting emotional about this normally he'd be cracking jokes.
"Pete, you know how proud he would be of you right now don't you?" Amy questioned looking down at her grandson who was still lying in her arms looking around the room.
"Yeah, I guess. Anyways I need some air" he got up and walked away towards the back door. I looked over to Amy who had a sad look on her face looking back at me.
"Should I go talk to him?" I questioned uncertain of whether I should give him space or not. Amy nodded her head "take Oscar too, this little face will definitely cheer him up" she smiled handing me my son back. I walked out to the back garden seeing Pete sat on a chair that looked way too small for his tall, skinny frame, his head was looking down and buried in his hands. I slowly walked over with Oscar in my arms taking a seat beside him and placing my hand on his back. "Baby, are you ok?" I questioned in a soft tone. He didn't say anything but he lifted his head to look at me with watery eyes and a single tear rolling down his face. "Oh Pete, come here" I said giving him a small side hug.
"I don't know what came over me" he sighed. "Just thinking of having to grow up without a dad I don't want that for Oscar" I honestly didn't know what to say, I felt helpless. Oscar started to get fussy making small noises kicking his legs out.
"Here, he needs his daddy" I said looking towards Pete. He carefully took Oscar out my arms after drying his eyes on his sleeve making sure that he's supporting his head. Oscar almost immediately calmed down. "See he just needed his daddy, he loves you and you do know you aren't going anywhere?" He just kept looking down at our son giving me a small nod. Moments later Amy had came outside to check if we were ok.
"Everything alright out here?" She questioned with a smile after seeing Pete looked visibly less upset.

We spent another few hours at Amy's till Oscar started getting fussy notifying us that he was hungry again, I checked the bag for another bottle but he had drank the last one. Pete and I made our way back home and spent all night watching movies on Netflix in bed once we had put Oscar to bed.

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