Drunk y/n (Pete Davidson)

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I'd told Pete that I was going out for a girls night at 8pm and told him not to wait up as I'd be back pretty late so when he was woken up by his phone ringing with a call at 2am he was a bit worried, he had only noticed i weren't back when he sat up in bed reaching for his phone.
"Y/n?" He questioned when he'd answered.
"Peteeey, oh I missed you" i slurred from the other end of the phone.
"Where are you?" He asked still tired from just being woken up. He heard you giggle to your friends whilst he waited for his answer to the question.
"Yaz thinks your hot, but she likes girls" I giggle to him and he rolled his eyes getting slightly annoyed. "Pete we can't get a taxi they stopped running at 12. Can you pick us up please I love you" I asked pouting even though he couldn't see my face through the phone.
"Where are you?" He questioned again as you'd ignored the question the first time he'd asked.
"We're at theeee... ice wall club" I said hiccuping.
"Don't move I'll be there in 10 minutes" he said rolling his eyes and throwing the covers off going downstairs to grab his keys and get his shoes on.
"He's coming guys" I giggled shivering as my bare skin was hit with the cold air.
"I need my bed and a pizza" Ash complained trying to stand up straight.
"I need another drink" Yaz giggled whilst pulling the cup she smuggled out the club from under her jacket.
"You didn't" I said shocked that she'd actually got the glass out the club without being noticed.

After waiting about 10 minutes Pete pulled up outside the club and honked his horn at us trying to grab our attention, I looked over my shoulder to see his car and my face lit up immediately. I turned around and jogged towards the passenger side of the car opening the door. "Peteeey!" I exclaimed "I knew you'd come save me" I smiled at him as he leaned over grabbing my belt to bucked me in.
"Close your door" he said and looked back at the other 2 drunk girls that he had to pick up. "Have you got your belts on?" He questioned. "Yes sir" they laughed.
"Pete, are you mad at me?" I pouted at him flashing my best puppy dog eyes.
"No, I'm just tired y/n it's like 2am" he said constructing on the road he was driving down. I huffed and turned to look out the window slightly annoyed he wasn't giving me any attention. The girls in the back were making their own convocation that made no sense.

Pete pulled up on the side of the road, "Ash, this is you" he said watching her struggle with the seat belt. He got out opening her door and undoing the belt for her."Thanks" she giggled wobbling out the car in her heels.
"Is anyone in?" Pete asked her helping her grab her she'd just dropped outside her door. Before she could answer her boyfriend had opened the door looking very tired. "Thought I heard you struggling out here, thank you for bringing her home" he shouted to Pete as he was getting back in the car. After another 5 minute drive he had pulled up outside of Yaz house and helped her inside. Pete turned to look at me as I was still sulking staring at nothing out the window. "What's up?" He questioned.
"What's up?" I mocked in his accent.
"Come on, you need a bed" he laughed rolling his eyes.
"No you need a bed" I snapped not turning to look at him.
"Right, what's up?" He said as he turned then engine off once he'd pulled back into our drive way.
"You don't pay attention to me" I looked at him pouting. "And I'm hungry" I huffed.
"I'll order dominos, go get dressed for bed"
With that I'd threw off my shoes and sprinted for the stairs to change with a big smile on my face.

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