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Pete and I have been friends even before I moved to New York from England. I appeared on SNL a few years ago and that's where I had met him and we immediately hit it off. We worked closely with each other as we were in a sketch and after I had asked him to be in my new music video. For ages a lot of people actually mistaken us for a couple. He helped me when I moved into my New York apartment just a couple of weeks ago and since then we have been inseparable. He asked me to be his girlfriend just 6 nights ago when we were having a movie night and haven't told the public yet.

We were currently at his getting ready at his apartment to go to his stand up show that was being filmed for Netflix, 'Alive from New York'.

"What you so quiet for?" He asked taking a seat next to me on the sofa where I was putting on my boots.

"Nothing just thinking" I replied as I zipped them up and turned to face him.

"Oh no. That's not good" he joked and I lightly punched his arm giggling at him. "What you thinking about?"

"I have an idea on how to announce that we're officially together" I took my phone from my bag and clicking onto the tik tok app and finding the video. Pete sat silently as he watched the short video play and I saw the corners of his lips turn into a smirk.

"Wanna do it now?" He asked standing up and taking my phone to get it to record and handing me it back. I just nodded my head yes.

"He ain't got no choice in" i lip sync to the beginning of the video and stopped before the next part and propped my phone agains something to stand it up on the draws and setting a timer so that both Pete and I were in frame this time.

I wrapped my arms around Pete and he lifted me off of the floor as the sound began to play again. I wrapped my legs around his waste as I lip sync " DA BABY FINALLY MY BOYFRIEND!"

I rewatched the video and it was too adorable. We both looked to happy and the way Pete looked at me made my heart burst with happiness. I was super lucky to have him.

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