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Terra: So, I've thought about this for quite some time, but now that I've finally come to a decision on the matter, I'm going to be serious with you all.

I'm getting rid of the ""Character Name:" before every paragraph" nonsense in this chapter, just to show that I'm serious about this.

So, why've I been gone so long?

Truthfully, I'd rather not go into detail as to what has happened during my absence. I'll let y'all in one thing though.

During my absence, I have come to the decision that I'm ending this book.

I'd be lying if I said it wasn't fun at first, but overtime, that did eventually become the case.

Not only was it getting increasingly difficult to find ships in general to write about, the fact that the book reached such a number of readers and commenters got really...

Overwhelming. Very overwhelming.

I no longer found fun in writing any of the chapters for the book, I simply wrote them to entertain the massive audience I had managed to attain.

I don't find fun in writing this book anymore. It's stressful having to entertain everyone that reads my book, especially with the development of my writing style.

I felt, and still do feel, that at some point or another, I'd disappoint everyone. Whether it be because the chapters stopped being funny, or the ships were dull, or the same jokes were being repeated, stuff like that.

Don't get me wrong, I'm very glad that I was able to entertain so, so many fucking people. I'm glad that I inspired many writers to go out and incorporate ships into their own works.

I just feel that I'm unable to continue to keep that impact.

I really hope all of ya guys understand my decision.

Thanks for reading.

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