Pokey/Porky x Paula

680 11 18

(Ship Name: *Pending*)

Poo: Absolutely the fuck not.

Duster: Delete this.

Lucas: I have crippling depression.

Jeff: I'm gay.

Happy Happy Cultist: I'm blue.

Ness: Wait, who let this guy in here?!

Lloyd: I'm trash.

Ana: This quality of this ship he empty! Yeet!!

Ninten: Ana! That's not an Idubz reference!!

Claus: Get the fuck out of my room I'm playing Minecraft!

Kumatora: Claus, we did those jokes already.

Paula: I have osteoporosis.

Ness: Wait, what?

Teddy: Huh?

Paula: I have osteoporos-hergaphblit.

Kumatora: Oh no, oh god, oh fuck. Run!!!!

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