Ness x Poo

729 7 12

(Ship Name: *Pending*)

-Art made by, you guessed it, xXx__Silver__xXx, an incredibly talented artist.

Poo: Oh dear lord yuri no.

Ana: Leave my Christian Minecraft server you thot!

Paula: Poo's not a th-.

Kumatora: Get the fuck out of my room, I'm playing Minecraft!

Jeff: Miiine diiiamooondsss.

Claus: Creeper? Aww man.

Ninten: Can we please not do anymore Minecraft memes?

Teddy: You messed it up Ninten!

Ness: One would think Poo is a thot since he's slept with every woman in Dalaam.

Duster: Are you serious?

Poo: I thought you said you wouldn't tell anyone!

Ness: Heh. Too bad.

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