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If you're new here, or are simply rereading this, I wish to clarify some things before we begin on this, what would you call it, not a journey, nor an adventure. Just, whatever, you get the point.

- 1 -

This is a quote-on-quote "fanfiction" which includes characters that span the entirety of the Mother series. (Duh). Despite this, for the love of god, don't take anything here seriously, even moreso than other fics, specifically the repeated death of Lloyd and the rather questionable comment on the "Ninten x Lucas" chapter. Mostly everything about this fic is meant to be entirely humorous, so please treat it as such.

- 2 -

Most characters from Mother 3 specifically do not have a canon age, so any ages you see in this fic regarding these characters is entirely my speculation. Then again, if you're coming to this of all things for trying to find things related to the canon of the Mother series, well you're kind of screwed aren't you? Actually no you aren't, because you can find a fuck ton of the obscure lore in "My Opinions on MOTHER Series Ships and Characters" written by the wonderful Lottery57, so do please check them out!

I should also note that after a bit of research, I have since changed my mind on the age of Kumatora, whom I now believe to be 17. Therefore, some of the chapters have aged in the humor, rather unfortunately.

- 3 -

All but one single chapter was written with absolutely no bias attached, I promise you. If it becomes apparent, or is implied that I dislike a ship, it is almost certainly the community pertaining to that ship I dislike, not the actual ship itself. The only exceptions to this are Lloyd x Teddy and Kumatora x Porky (yes that exists).

Example, I've slowly become more accustomed to Ness x Lucas, and have actually started to enjoy reading fics of it. Although I prefer Ness x Paula, I still like the ship. However, because I have been repeatedly exposed to the toxic side of that fanbase, I originally had a negative impression of it.

- 4 -

Although I already mentioned this, it seems as if I can't trust people to read the goddamn description of all things. So I'll say it again, there is quite a bit of intense language, espescially coming from Best Girl Kumatora. Some other sensitive topics will be discussed here as well, mainly pedophilia, because the shipping community can be really fucking disgusting at times. So I apologize in advance that the topics will be discussed, but if it triggers you, don't say you weren't warned.

- 5 -

In regards to updates, they aren't planned, and nor do I have a schedule dedicated to writing. The chapters for this fic (and this applies to all of my fics actually) are entirely random and out of the blue. If you're honestly thinking that a nonprofit fanfiction of all things would have a consistent upload rate (espescially by a person who has an incredibly busy, and overall shit life in the real world), then your expectations are, needless to say, fucked.

- 6 -

If you have a keen eye, you may have noticed the copyright for this fic is different. That's because I wish for people to make similar books to this, hell, maybe even make sequels if you all so desire. Hell, if someone did, I'd even be willing to help in the production of it and toss some ideas. Not much else to say about this honestly...

- 7 -

This is a message to all my readers, espescially those who have been here since the start.

I just wanted to let you guys know how much you guys have helped me. The support you guys have given me these past two years has helped me through probably the most troubling years of my life, and I thank you all for that. I was honestly really scared uploading this the first time. I was unsure about how people would react to it, but after seeing how people reacted positively to the first few chapters, it encouraged me to keep going. And so I did. And I'm glad I did. The reception and the impact I had on the community was absolutely fucking insane, and I'm glad that I was able to help give influence to a lot of other writers as well in their works, and I hope that you all continue to do so.

Needless to say, I love you guys.

- . . . -

With that out of the way, what the hell are you waiting for? Go to the next chapter already!

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