Ninten x Ana

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(Ship Name: *Nintana*)

Ninten: You see, this ship is canon. *kisses Ana's forehead*

Ana: Thanks.

Paula: *takes picture of the two*

Duster: I mean, this just looks like the previous ship.

Lucas: You're right though Duster. I wonder why that is.

Claus: Probably because their Ness' parents or something.

Ness: WHAT?! NO!! Ninten and I are cousins!

Lloyd: Are you sure about that?

Teddy: I was there when this became canon.

Kumatora: Uhhh, it's not yaoi or yuri, so I don't care.

Poo: You know Kumatora, you really shouldn't just ship yuri and yaoi, whatever that is.

Jeff: Nope, only ship yuri.

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