Kumatora x Duster

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(Ship Name: Kumadust)

Duster: Kuma, what are you doing with Jeff?

Jeff: Yeah sure, I'll lend you a Multi-bottle rocket.

Lloyd: Oh god, oh fuck.

Kumatora: *unleashes the equivalent of the entirety of the U.S. nuclear arsenal right upon Duster's poor soul, and also unintentionally killing Lloyd, because he sucks*

Ana: That's mean DarkStarSeed! Lloyd doesn't suck!

Ninten: You know what Ana! You're paying for the repairs on the fourth wall this time!

Ness: And by the way, yeah, umm, Lloyd sucks.

Paula: Yep, he sucks.

Poo: Yep, he sucks.

Lucas: Yep, he sucks.

Claus: Yep, he sucks.

Teddy: Yep, he sucks.

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