Tracy x Picky

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(Ship Name: Tricky)

Kumatora: Who the fuck is Picky?

Jeff: I've never heard of him, so don't ask me for once.

Ness: He's Pokey's younger brother. Also. H O L Y   S H I T   T H I S   S H I P   I S   S O   C U T E!!

Paula: Tracy looks like me.

Ness: Well, she's my younger sister. Probably got it from my mom's side to be blonde like that.

Ninten: Ack! Cute!

Ana: This is adorable!

Lloyd: Ugh, do people only have straight ships?

Claus: I feel ya Lloyd.

Teddy: Aren't these two, like, 6 years old? That's pretty young for love.

Duster: Yeah, I didn't have my first crush until I was 10. 6 is pretty young to be in a relationship.

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