Teddy x Lloyd

883 7 7

(Ship Name: *Pending* (I think))

Kumatora: *flips off the creator of this ship*

Ness: What, why does this ship exist?

Paula: Who ships this?

Ninten: I'm sorry, but no. Just no.

Teddy: My first ship has to be pedophilia damn it!

Kumatora: Now you know how I felt.

Duster: Hey DarkStarSeed? Can we not put a picture for this god awful ship?

Ana: Hey! Don't use god's name in vain!

Duster: Sorry mom.

DarkStarSeed: Yeah, sure, whatever.

Ninten: From now on, I'm leaving the fourth wall as it is, since it would just be broken again, I don't want to repair it.

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