Lucas x Paula

823 9 19

(Ship Name: *Pending*)

Paula: Why must I be treated like this? I want to be shipped with Ness!

Lucas: Yeah, and so do I!

Ness: I want to die.

Teddy: What is it with the PK Love twins wanting to be shipped with the hat twins?

Claus: I don't like Ness. Only Lucas likes to be shipped with both of them, right honey?

Ninten: For the last time, I'm not your honey.

Jeff: Get a room you two.

Claus: Gladly. I'll show Ninten some of my PK Love if you know what I'm sayin'.

Ninten: FBI open up!!

FBI: *breaks open the door* Yes? You called?

Ninten: *points at Claus* He wants to fuck me when we are under the age of consent.

Claus: I can explain!

FBI: Yippee kiy yay, mother fuckers.

Claus: *screaming and running as the FBI shoot at him*

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