Kumatora x Porky

513 6 13

(Ship Name: *Pending*)

Duster: Fuck this. *leaves*

Terra: Before anyone asks, there is no art of this to my knowledge, but I've seen fics of it . . . Ana give my the holy water.

Ana: Here ya go.

Jeff: I have many questions. First, who created this ship? Second, where do they live? Third, where is the nearest multi-bottle rocket?

Claus: The answer to your questions is yes.

Ness: It's hard to argue with you Claus.

Kumatora: *Proceeds to kill the creator and simultaneously yeet Lloyd to Brazil*

Poo: Aaaaand another one for the "Kumatora kills someone" and "Lloyd fucking dies" counters. I lost track after 3.

Lucas: Mind killing Porky too?

Kumatora: Even the powers of badassery, gay, and best girl energy combined cannot scratch the ASC.

Ninten: Dammit, it was worth a shot.

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