Lucas x Nana

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(Ship Name: Lucana)

Duster: Who's Nana again?

Lucas: The girl who talks a lot.

Kumatora: Oh yeah, her.

Claus: Is it wrong if I ship it? I'm mostly all about yuri, but this works.

Ness: What's yuri?

Kumatora & Claus: Did you just ask what's yuri?!

Jeff: I heard someone say yuri!

Lloyd: Allow me to entertain you in the next chapter.

Ness: Umm, alrighty then.

Ana: She looks a lot like me.

Paula: No, she looks more like me.

Ninten: I already know how pointless this conversation is going to be . . .

Teddy: *sighs* Well, I should probably leave now, good ship though!

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