Ninten x Pippi

848 8 11

(Ship Name: *Pending*)

Ana: You good for nothing cheater! *tries to punch Ninten*

Ninten: Let me explain. Pippi and I are close. We are neighbors after all, but we aren't that close. Plus, I'm like, 5 years older than her.

Kumatora: Yeah and I'm 6 years older than Paula, and I'm an adult, but that doesn't stop anyone from shipping each other.

Ninten: Besides, I ship her with Lloyd.

Lloyd: Wait hang on let me get some water. *he grabs some water, drinks it, and spits it dramatically* WHAT?!

Ness: You know, I see why you ship those two.

Jeff: Isn't Lloyd gay?

Lloyd: I'm bi. I know better than to be gay when I'm near Ana.

Ana: Exactly.

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