Ana x Paula

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(Ship Name: Paulana (sounds like Pollyanna lol))

Jeff: About time we got some yuri in here!

Ana: *literally puking in disgust*

Paula: Ummm, it's . . . Eww I don't like it. At all.

Lloyd: . . . And to this day Ness, our goddess and savior Yuri watches over us to protect the tranquility and longevity of what mortals would call female x female.

Ness: I see. It sounded, interesting. And also, WHAT THE HECK IS THAT SHIP?!?!

Poo: *is kneeling down on knees* Oh lord, oh savior goddes Yuri, please accept me into your religion and forgive me for my "questionable actions."

Kumatora: My disciple, you are forgiven.

Ninten: o_0

Duster: Wtf.

Teddy: This whole thing is FUBAR.

Claus: It's almost as awesome as me!

Everyone: Fuck you Claus! That's why your mom died!

Lucas: Fml.

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