Why . . .

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Ness: Why do you guys read this?

Paula: Do you enjoy watching us suffer?

Jeff: Are you guys insane?

Ana: 1,000+ views?!

Kumatora: One question. Did any of you guys bust a nut reading any of these ships?

Teddy: What?

Duster: What?

Kumatora: What?

Lucas: Yeah, I busted a couple of pistachios. They taste pretty good.

Claus: Stay innocent young one.

Poo: Eh. This is book is pretty cringe though.

Lloyd: The worst part is that I die a lot.

Ninten: What do you mean? That's the best part.

DarkStarSeed: In all serious"ness" though, I was NOT expecting this to get more views than all my other books. I get it, I try to make this book as funny as possible, but now, I'm starting to run out of ideas. So please, help meh.

Ness: That joke makes me want to commit Lloyd.

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