Claus x Ninten x Fuel

818 8 31

(Ship Name: *Pending*)

Claus: Oh my god . . . HELL YES!!

Kumatora: Are you fucking serious?!

Lucas: I love how I have 3 ships and my brother has 5, and I'm NOT including the ship with both of us.

Ness: Yeah, let's not talk about that please.

Ninten: How many times do I have to say it, I'm never going to kiss Claus!

Claus: I will though. *pulls Ninten towards him and kisses his lips*

Ana: You BITCH!! *punches Claus*

Paula: Did you just cuss Ana?!

Poo: That was the first kiss in the whole book.

Lloyd: Ohhh DAMN!!

Jeff: That was very unexpected.

Duster: Shit's going down!

Teddy & Kumatora: Fight! Fight!

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